[][src]Crate loaf

Why have a slice when you can have a loaf?

What this is

Sometimes you know that a slice must have at least one element in it, but Rust forces you to do "last minute decision" by unwrap()ing Option from for example first() for split_first() methods.

Loaf guarantees to have at least one element by its definition.


Currently unsafe code is only used to cast between [T] and Loaf<T> pointers.

Rust's pointers to unsized types consist of two elements: pointer to data and length of the unsized part
So a fat pointer to [T] has a pointer to the beginning of buffer and its length
Loaf has an one element array of T and [T] and because of it when casting from slice pointer, the pointer is kept, but the length is decremented (remember, fat pointer keeps length of the unsized part)

The one element array is guaranteed to be first, because unsized types must be at the end of struct.



Slice that guarantees to have at least one element


Generally the same as Loaf, but guarantees at least N elements (implemented with const generics, so it is only avaliable on nightly)