Struct lipsum::MarkovChain [] [src]

pub struct MarkovChain<'a, R: Rng> { /* fields omitted */ }

Simple order two Markov chain implementation.

The Markov chain is a chain of order two, which means that it will use the previous two words (a bigram) when predicting the next word. This is normally enough to generate random text that looks somewhat plausible. The implementation is based on Generating arbitrary text with Markov chains in Rust.


impl<'a> MarkovChain<'a, ThreadRng>


Create a new empty Markov chain. It will use a default thread-local random number generator.


use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let chain = MarkovChain::new();

impl<'a, R: Rng> MarkovChain<'a, R>


Create a new empty Markov chain that uses the given random number generator.


extern crate rand;

use rand::XorShiftRng;
use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let rng = XorShiftRng::new_unseeded();
let mut chain = MarkovChain::new_with_rng(rng);
chain.learn("infra-red red orange yellow green blue indigo x-ray");

// The chain jumps consistently like this:
assert_eq!(chain.generate(1), "Yellow.");
assert_eq!(chain.generate(1), "Green.");
assert_eq!(chain.generate(1), "Red.");


Add new text to the Markov chain. This can be called several times to build up the chain.


use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let mut chain = MarkovChain::new();
chain.learn("red green blue");
assert_eq!(chain.words(("red", "green")), Some(&vec!["blue"]));

chain.learn("red green yellow");
assert_eq!(chain.words(("red", "green")), Some(&vec!["blue", "yellow"]));


Returs the number of states in the Markov chain.


use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let mut chain = MarkovChain::new();
assert_eq!(chain.len(), 0);

chain.learn("red orange yellow green blue indigo");
assert_eq!(chain.len(), 4);


Returns true if the Markov chain has no states.


use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let mut chain = MarkovChain::new();

chain.learn("foo bar baz");


Get the possible words following the given bigram, or None if the state is invalid.


use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let mut chain = MarkovChain::new();
chain.learn("red green blue");
assert_eq!(chain.words(("red", "green")), Some(&vec!["blue"]));
assert_eq!(chain.words(("foo", "bar")), None);


Generate a sentence with n words of lorem ipsum text. The sentence will start from a random point in the Markov chain and a . will be added as necessary to form a full sentence.

See generate_from if you want to control the starting point for the generated text and see iter if you simply want a sequence of words.


Generating the sounds of a grandfather clock:

use lipsum::MarkovChain;

let mut chain = MarkovChain::new();
chain.learn("Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Ding! Tick, Tock, Ding! Ding!");
println!("{}", chain.generate(15));

The output looks like this:

Ding! Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Ding! Ding! Tock, Ding! Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.


Generate a sentence with n words of lorem ipsum text. The sentence will start from the given bigram and a . will be added as necessary to form a full sentence.

Use generate if the starting point is not important. See iter_from if you want a sequence of words that you can format yourself.


Make a never-ending iterator over the words in the Markov chain. The iterator starts at a random point in the chain.


Make a never-ending iterator over the words in the Markov chain. The iterator starts at the given bigram.