Trait lip::Parser[][src]

pub trait Parser<'a, Output, State: Clone> {
Show 13 methods fn parse(
        input: &'a str,
        location: Location,
        state: State
    ) -> ParseResult<'a, Output, State>;
fn run(
        input: &'a str,
        state: State
    ) -> ParseResult<'a, Output, State>; fn map<F, NewOutput>(self, map_fn: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        NewOutput: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        F: Fn(Output) -> NewOutput + 'a
, { ... }
fn map_with_state<F, NewOutput>(
        map_fn: F
    ) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        NewOutput: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        F: Fn(Output, State) -> NewOutput + 'a
, { ... }
fn map_err<F>(self, map_fn: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, Output, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        F: Fn(String) -> String + 'a
, { ... }
fn and_then<F, NextParser, NewOutput>(
        f: F
    ) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        NewOutput: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        NextParser: Parser<'a, NewOutput, State> + 'a,
        F: Fn(Output) -> NextParser + 'a
, { ... }
fn pred<F>(
        predicate: F,
        expecting: &'a str
    ) -> BoxedParser<'a, Output, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: Display + 'a,
        State: 'a,
        F: Fn(&Output) -> bool + 'a
, { ... }
fn ignore(self) -> BoxedParser<'a, (), State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        State: 'a
, { ... }
fn update_state<F>(self, f: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, Output, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        State: 'a,
        Output: Clone + 'a,
        F: Fn(Output, State) -> State + 'a
, { ... }
fn update<F, NewOutput>(self, f: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        State: 'a,
        Output: Clone + 'a,
        NewOutput: Clone + 'a,
        F: Fn(&'a str, Output, Location, State) -> ParseResult<'a, NewOutput, State> + 'a
, { ... }
fn end(self) -> BoxedParser<'a, Output, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        Output: Clone + 'a,
        State: 'a
, { ... }
fn keep<A, B, ArgParser>(
        arg_parser: ArgParser
    ) -> BoxedParser<'a, B, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        A: 'a,
        B: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        Output: FnOnce(A) -> B + 'a,
        ArgParser: Parser<'a, A, State> + 'a
, { ... }
fn skip<P: 'a, A>(self, ignored_parser: P) -> BoxedParser<'a, Output, State>
        Self: Sized + 'a,
        A: 'a,
        State: 'a,
        Output: 'a,
        P: Parser<'a, A, State>
, { ... }

Required methods

Parse a given input, starting at a given location and state.

Run the parser on a given input, starting at the first character.


Parse a (x, y) position pair.

// Parse an (x, y) position pair
let position = succeed!(|x, y| (x, y))
  .run("2, 3", ()); // position == (2, 3)

Provided methods

Map the output to a new output if parse succeeds. Otherwise, return error as usual.

The only difference from the map on ParseResult is that this map turns one Parser into another while the map on ParseResult turns one ParseResult into another.

The map function is supplied both the output and the state of the parser. Otherwise, return error as usual.

The only difference from the map_with_state on ParseResult is that this map_with_state turns one Parser into another while the map_with_state on ParseResult turns one ParseResult into another.

Map the error message to a new message if parse fails. Otherwise, return output as usual.

The only difference from the map_err on ParseResult is that this map_err turns one Parser into another while the map_err on ParseResult turns one ParseResult into another.

Returns a new parser which is given the current output if parse succeeds. Otherwise, return error as usual.

The only difference from the and_then on ParseResult is that this and_then turns one Parser into another while the and_then on ParseResult turns one ParseResult into another.

Judge if the output meets the requirement using a predicate function if the parse succeeds. Otherwise, return error as usual.

Ignore the parse output and return () (emtpy tuple)

Update the state given the new output and state of the parse if parse succeeds. Otherwise, return error as usual.

Update the result of the parser if parse succeeds. Otherwise, return error as usual.

This is the most general and powerful method of the parser. Think about using simpler methods like map and map_err before choosing update.

Check if you have reached the end of the input you are parsing.

If you want to parse an input containing only “abc”:

 "abc", "abc",
  "abcd", "I'm expecting the end of input.",

Keep values in a parser pipeline.


Parse a (x, y) position pair.

// Parse an (x, y) position pair
let position = succeed!(|x, y| (x, y))
  .run("2, 3", ()); // position == (2, 3)

Skip values in a parser pipeline.


Parse a (x, y) position pair.

// Parse an (x, y) position pair
let position = succeed!(|x, y| (x, y))
  .run("2, 3", ()); // position == (2, 3)
