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A library for safe cross-platform linker shenanigans.

Platform support

Distributed slice

We welcome PRs adding support for any platforms not listed here.

Distributed slice

A distributed slice is a collection of static elements that are gathered into a contiguous section of the binary by the linker. Slice elements may be defined individually from anywhere in the dependency graph of the final binary.

Refer to linkme::DistributedSlice for complete details of the API. The basic idea is as follows.

A static distributed slice is declared by writing #[distributed_slice] on a static item whose type is [T] for some type T. The initializer expression must be [..] to indicate that elements come from elsewhere.

use linkme::distributed_slice;

pub static BENCHMARKS: [fn(&mut Bencher)] = [..];

Slice elements may be registered into a distributed slice by a #[distributed_slice(...)] attribute in which the path to the distributed slice is given in the parentheses. The initializer is required to be a const expression.

use linkme::distributed_slice;
use other_crate::BENCHMARKS;

static BENCH_DESERIALIZE: fn(&mut Bencher) = bench_deserialize;

fn bench_deserialize(b: &mut Bencher) {
    /* ... */

The distributed slice behaves in all ways like &'static [T].

fn main() {
    // Iterate the elements.
    for bench in BENCHMARKS {
        /* ... */

    // Index into the elements.
    let first = BENCHMARKS[0];

    // Slice the elements.
    let except_first = &BENCHMARKS[1..];

    // Invoke methods on the underlying slice.
    let len = BENCHMARKS.len();


Collection of static elements that are gathered into a contiguous section of the binary by the linker.

Attribute Macros