[][src]Crate linfa_clustering

linfa-clustering aims to provide pure Rust implementations of popular clustering algorithms.

The big picture

linfa-clustering is a crate in the linfa ecosystem, a wider effort to bootstrap a toolkit for classical Machine Learning implemented in pure Rust, kin in spirit to Python's scikit-learn.

You can find a roadmap (and a selection of good first issues) here - contributors are more than welcome!

Current state

Right now linfa-clustering only provides a single algorithm, K-Means, with a couple of helper functions.

Implementation choices, algorithmic details and a tutorial can be found here.

Check here for extensive benchmarks against scikit-learn's K-means implementation.



K-means clustering aims to partition a set of unlabeled observations into clusters, where each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.


The set of hyperparameters that can be specified for the execution of the K-means algorithm.


An helper struct used to construct a set of valid hyperparameters for the K-means algorithm (using the builder pattern).



Generate blob_size data points (a "blob") around blob_centroid.


Given an input matrix blob_centroids, with shape (n_blobs, n_features), generate blob_size data points (a "blob") around each of the blob centroids.