pub async fn process_events_async<'a, Signer: 'static + Sign, CA: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, CF: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, CW: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, T: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, K: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, F: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, G: 'static + Deref<Target = NetworkGraph<L>> + Send + Sync, L: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, P: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, Descriptor: 'static + SocketDescriptor + Send + Sync, CMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, RMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, OMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, EH: 'static + EventHandler + Send, PS: 'static + Deref + Send, M: 'static + Deref<Target = ChainMonitor<Signer, CF, T, F, L, P>> + Send + Sync, CM: 'static + Deref<Target = ChannelManager<Signer, CW, T, K, F, L>> + Send + Sync, PGS: 'static + Deref<Target = P2PGossipSync<G, CA, L>> + Send + Sync, RGS: 'static + Deref<Target = RapidGossipSync<G, L>> + Send, UMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync, PM: 'static + Deref<Target = PeerManager<Descriptor, CMH, RMH, OMH, L, UMH>> + Send + Sync, S: 'static + Deref<Target = SC> + Send + Sync, SC: WriteableScore<'a>, SleepFuture: Future<Output = bool>, Sleeper: Fn(Duration) -> SleepFuture>(
    persister: PS,
    event_handler: EH,
    chain_monitor: M,
    channel_manager: CM,
    gossip_sync: GossipSync<PGS, RGS, G, CA, L>,
    peer_manager: PM,
    logger: L,
    scorer: Option<S>,
    sleeper: Sleeper
) -> Result<(), Error>where
    CA::Target: 'static + Access,
    CF::Target: 'static + Filter,
    CW::Target: 'static + Watch<Signer>,
    T::Target: 'static + BroadcasterInterface,
    K::Target: 'static + KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
    F::Target: 'static + FeeEstimator,
    L::Target: 'static + Logger,
    P::Target: 'static + Persist<Signer>,
    CMH::Target: 'static + ChannelMessageHandler,
    OMH::Target: 'static + OnionMessageHandler,
    RMH::Target: 'static + RoutingMessageHandler,
    UMH::Target: 'static + CustomMessageHandler,
    PS::Target: 'static + Persister<'a, Signer, CW, T, K, F, L, SC>,
Available on crate feature futures only.
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Processes background events in a future.

sleeper should return a future which completes in the given amount of time and returns a boolean indicating whether the background processing should continue. Once sleeper returns a future which outputs false, the loop will exit and this function’s future will complete.

See BackgroundProcessor::start for information on which actions this handles.