[][src]Trait ligature::WriteTx

pub trait WriteTx {
    pub fn new_blank_node(&self) -> Result<BlankNode, LigatureError>;
pub fn add_statement(
        statement: Statement,
        graph: Graph
    ) -> Result<PersistedStatement, LigatureError>;
pub fn remove_statement(
        statement: Statement,
        graph: Graph
    ) -> Result<Statement, LigatureError>;
pub fn cancel(&self) -> Result<(), LigatureError>; }

Represents a WriteTx within the context of a Ligature instance and a single Dataset

Required methods

pub fn new_blank_node(&self) -> Result<BlankNode, LigatureError>[src]

Creates a new, unique BlankNode within this Dataset. Note: BlankNodes are shared across named graphs in a given Dataset.

pub fn add_statement(
    statement: Statement,
    graph: Graph
) -> Result<PersistedStatement, LigatureError>

Adds a given Statement to this Dataset. If the Statement already exists nothing happens. Note: Potentally could trigger a ValidationError

pub fn remove_statement(
    statement: Statement,
    graph: Graph
) -> Result<Statement, LigatureError>

Removes a given Statement from this Dataset. If the Statement doesn't exist nothing happens. Note: Potentally could trigger a ValidationError.

pub fn cancel(&self) -> Result<(), LigatureError>[src]

Cancels this transaction so that none of the changes made so far will be stored. This also closes this transaction so no other methods can be called.

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