Module libvips_rs::ops

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  • VipsAbs (abs), absolute value of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAdd (add), add two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAffine (affine), affine transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument a: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 b: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 c: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 d: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAffine (affine), affine transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument a: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 b: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 c: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 d: f64 -> Transformation Matrix coefficient min: -inf, max: inf, default: 0 affine_options: &AffineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadAnalyze (analyzeload), load an Analyze6 image (.img, .hdr), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadAnalyze (analyzeload), load an Analyze6 image (.img, .hdr), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from analyzeload_options: &AnalyzeloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsArrayjoin (arrayjoin), join an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsArrayjoin (arrayjoin), join an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images arrayjoin_options: &ArrayjoinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAutorot (autorot), autorotate image by exif tag inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAutorot (autorot), autorotate image by exif tag inp: &VipsImage -> Input image autorot_options: &AutorotOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsAvg (avg), find image average inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsBandbool (bandbool), boolean operation across image bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument boolean: OperationBoolean -> Boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandfold (bandfold), fold up x axis into bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandfold (bandfold), fold up x axis into bands inp: &VipsImage -> Input image bandfold_options: &BandfoldOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandjoin (bandjoin), bandwise join a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandjoinConst (bandjoin_const), append a constant band to an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants to add returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandmean (bandmean), band-wise average inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandrank (bandrank), band-wise rank of a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandrank (bandrank), band-wise rank of a set of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images bandrank_options: &BandrankOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandunfold (bandunfold), unfold image bands into x axis inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBandunfold (bandunfold), unfold image bands into x axis inp: &VipsImage -> Input image bandunfold_options: &BandunfoldOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBlack (black), make a black image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBlack (black), make a black image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 black_options: &BlackOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBoolean (boolean), boolean operation on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument boolean: OperationBoolean -> Boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBooleanConst (boolean_const), boolean operations against a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image boolean: OperationBoolean -> Boolean to perform And -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_AND = 0 [DEFAULT] Or -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_OR = 1 Eor -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_EOR = 2 Lshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LSHIFT = 3 Rshift -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_RSHIFT = 4 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_BOOLEAN_LAST = 5 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsBuildlut (buildlut), build a look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsByteswap (byteswap), byteswap an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCache (cache), cache an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCache (cache), cache an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image cache_options: &CacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCanny (canny), Canny edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCanny (canny), Canny edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image canny_options: &CannyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCase (case), use pixel values to pick cases from an array of images index: &VipsImage -> Index image cases: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of case images n: i32 -> number of case images returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCast (cast), cast an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image format: BandFormat -> Format to cast to Notset -> VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET = -1 Uchar -> VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Char -> VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR = 1 Ushort -> VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT = 2 Short -> VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT = 3 Uint -> VIPS_FORMAT_UINT = 4 Int -> VIPS_FORMAT_INT = 5 Float -> VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT = 6 Complex -> VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX = 7 Double -> VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 8 Dpcomplex -> VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX = 9 Last -> VIPS_FORMAT_LAST = 10 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCast (cast), cast an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image format: BandFormat -> Format to cast to Notset -> VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET = -1 Uchar -> VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Char -> VIPS_FORMAT_CHAR = 1 Ushort -> VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT = 2 Short -> VIPS_FORMAT_SHORT = 3 Uint -> VIPS_FORMAT_UINT = 4 Int -> VIPS_FORMAT_INT = 5 Float -> VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT = 6 Complex -> VIPS_FORMAT_COMPLEX = 7 Double -> VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE = 8 Dpcomplex -> VIPS_FORMAT_DPCOMPLEX = 9 Last -> VIPS_FORMAT_LAST = 10 cast_options: &CastOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCMC2LCh (CMC2LCh), transform LCh to CMC inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCMYK2XYZ (CMYK2XYZ), transform CMYK to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsColourspace (colourspace), convert to a new colorspace inp: &VipsImage -> Input image space: Interpretation -> Destination color space Error -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_ERROR = -1 Multiband -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_MULTIBAND = 0 BW -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_B_W = 1 Histogram -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_HISTOGRAM = 10 Xyz -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_XYZ = 12 Lab -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAB = 13 Cmyk -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMYK = 15 Labq -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LABQ = 16 Rgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB = 17 Cmc -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMC = 18 Lch -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LCH = 19 Lab -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LABS = 21 Srgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB = 22 [DEFAULT] Yxy -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_YXY = 23 Fourier -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_FOURIER = 24 Rgb16 -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB16 = 25 Grey16 -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_GREY16 = 26 Matrix -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_MATRIX = 27 Scrgb -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_scRGB = 28 Hsv -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_HSV = 29 Last -> VIPS_INTERPRETATION_LAST = 30 colourspace_options: &ColourspaceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCompass (compass), convolve with rotating mask inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCompass (compass), convolve with rotating mask inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image compass_options: &CompassOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComplex (complex), perform a complex operation on an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image cmplx: OperationComplex -> Complex to perform Polar -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_POLAR = 0 [DEFAULT] Rect -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_RECT = 1 Conj -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_CONJ = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX_LAST = 3 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComplex2 (complex2), complex binary operations on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument cmplx: OperationComplex2 -> Binary complex operation to perform CrossPhase -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX2_CROSS_PHASE = 0 [DEFAULT] Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEX2_LAST = 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComplexform (complexform), form a complex image from two real images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComplexget (complexget), get a component from a complex image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image get: OperationComplexget -> Complex to perform Real -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_REAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Imag -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_IMAG = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_COMPLEXGET_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComposite (composite), blend an array of images with an array of blend modes inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images mode: &mut [i32] -> Array of VipsBlendMode to join with returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComposite2 (composite2), blend a pair of images with a blend mode base: &VipsImage -> Base image overlay: &VipsImage -> Overlay image mode: BlendMode -> VipsBlendMode to join with Clear -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_CLEAR = 0 Source -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOURCE = 1 Over -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER = 2 [DEFAULT] In -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_IN = 3 Out -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OUT = 4 Atop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ATOP = 5 Dest -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST = 6 DestOver -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OVER = 7 DestIn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_IN = 8 DestOut -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OUT = 9 DestAtop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_ATOP = 10 Xor -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR = 11 Add -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 12 Saturate -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SATURATE = 13 Multiply -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 14 Screen -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 15 Overlay -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = 16 Darken -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 17 Lighten -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 18 ColourDodge -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_DODGE = 19 ColourBurn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_BURN = 20 HardLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT = 21 SoftLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT = 22 Difference -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE = 23 Exclusion -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION = 24 Last -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LAST = 25 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComposite2 (composite2), blend a pair of images with a blend mode base: &VipsImage -> Base image overlay: &VipsImage -> Overlay image mode: BlendMode -> VipsBlendMode to join with Clear -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_CLEAR = 0 Source -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOURCE = 1 Over -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER = 2 [DEFAULT] In -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_IN = 3 Out -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OUT = 4 Atop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ATOP = 5 Dest -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST = 6 DestOver -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OVER = 7 DestIn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_IN = 8 DestOut -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_OUT = 9 DestAtop -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DEST_ATOP = 10 Xor -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR = 11 Add -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_ADD = 12 Saturate -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SATURATE = 13 Multiply -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 14 Screen -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 15 Overlay -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY = 16 Darken -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 17 Lighten -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 18 ColourDodge -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_DODGE = 19 ColourBurn -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_COLOUR_BURN = 20 HardLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT = 21 SoftLight -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT = 22 Difference -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE = 23 Exclusion -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION = 24 Last -> VIPS_BLEND_MODE_LAST = 25 composite_2_options: &Composite2Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsComposite (composite), blend an array of images with an array of blend modes inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images mode: &mut [i32] -> Array of VipsBlendMode to join with composite_options: &CompositeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConv (conv), convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConv (conv), convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image conv_options: &ConvOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConva (conva), approximate integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConva (conva), approximate integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image conva_options: &ConvaOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvasep (convasep), approximate separable integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvasep (convasep), approximate separable integer convolution inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image convasep_options: &ConvasepOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvf (convf), float convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvi (convi), int convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvsep (convsep), separable convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsConvsep (convsep), separable convolution operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image convsep_options: &ConvsepOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCopy (copy), copy an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCopy (copy), copy an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image copy_options: &CopyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsCountlines (countlines), count lines in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument direction: Direction -> Countlines left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns f64 - Number of lines
  • VipsForeignLoadCsvFile (csvload), load csv (.csv), priority=0, untrusted, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadCsvSource (csvload_source), load csv, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadCsvSource (csvload_source), load csv, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from csvload_source_options: &CsvloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadCsvFile (csvload), load csv (.csv), priority=0, untrusted, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from csvload_options: &CsvloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveCsvFile (csvsave), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCsvTarget (csvsave_target), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCsvTarget (csvsave_target), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to csvsave_target_options: &CsvsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveCsvFile (csvsave), save image to csv (.csv), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to csvsave_options: &CsvsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsdE00 (dE00), calculate dE00 left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsdE76 (dE76), calculate dE76 left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsdECMC (dECMC), calculate dECMC left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand input image right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsDeviate (deviate), find image standard deviation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsDivide (divide), divide two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsDrawCircle (draw_circle), draw a circle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels cx: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 cy: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 radius: i32 -> Radius in pixels min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawCircle (draw_circle), draw a circle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels cx: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 cy: i32 -> Centre of draw_circle min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 radius: i32 -> Radius in pixels min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_circle_options: &DrawCircleOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsDrawFlood (draw_flood), flood-fill an area image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawFlood (draw_flood), flood-fill an area image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> DrawFlood start point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_flood_options: &DrawFloodOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsDrawImage (draw_image), paint an image into another image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawImage (draw_image), paint an image into another image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw image here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_image_options: &DrawImageOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsDrawLine (draw_line), draw a line on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels x_1: i32 -> Start of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y_1: i32 -> Start of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 x_2: i32 -> End of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y_2: i32 -> End of draw_line min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawMask (draw_mask), draw a mask on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels mask: &VipsImage -> Mask of pixels to draw x: i32 -> Draw mask here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Draw mask here min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawRect (draw_rect), paint a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsDrawRect (draw_rect), paint a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on ink: &mut [f64] -> Color for pixels left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 draw_rect_options: &DrawRectOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsDrawSmudge (draw_smudge), blur a rectangle on an image image: &VipsImage -> Image to draw on left: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Rect to fill min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0
  • VipsForeignSaveDzFile (dzsave), save image to deepzoom file (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveDzBuffer (dzsave_buffer), save image to dz buffer (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveDzBuffer (dzsave_buffer), save image to dz buffer (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save dzsave_buffer_options: &DzsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveDzTarget (dzsave_target), save image to deepzoom target (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveDzTarget (dzsave_target), save image to deepzoom target (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to dzsave_target_options: &DzsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveDzFile (dzsave), save image to deepzoom file (.dz, .szi), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to dzsave_options: &DzsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Left edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Left edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of input in output min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 embed_options: &EmbedOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsExtractArea (extract_area), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image left: i32 -> Left edge of extract area min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 top: i32 -> Top edge of extract area min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsExtractBand (extract_band), extract band from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image band: i32 -> Band to extract min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsExtractBand (extract_band), extract band from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image band: i32 -> Band to extract min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 extract_band_options: &ExtractBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsEye (eye), make an image showing the eye’s spatial response width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsEye (eye), make an image showing the eye’s spatial response width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 eye_options: &EyeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFalsecolour (falsecolour), false-color an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFastcor (fastcor), fast correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument refp: &VipsImage -> Input reference image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFillNearest (fill_nearest), fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Value of nearest non-zero pixel
  • VipsFillNearest (fill_nearest), fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument fill_nearest_options: &FillNearestOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Value of nearest non-zero pixel
  • VipsFindTrim (find_trim), search an image for non-edge areas inp: &VipsImage -> Image to find_trim Tuple ( i32 - Left edge of image i32 - Top edge of extract area i32 - Width of extract area i32 - Height of extract area )
  • VipsFindTrim (find_trim), search an image for non-edge areas inp: &VipsImage -> Image to find_trim find_trim_options: &FindTrimOptions -> optional arguments Tuple ( i32 - Left edge of image i32 - Top edge of extract area i32 - Width of extract area i32 - Height of extract area )
  • VipsForeignLoadFitsFile (fitsload), load a FITS image (.fits, .fit, .fts), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadFitsFile (fitsload), load a FITS image (.fits, .fit, .fts), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from fitsload_options: &FitsloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveFits (fitssave), save image to fits file (.fits, .fit, .fts), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveFits (fitssave), save image to fits file (.fits, .fit, .fts), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to fitssave_options: &FitssaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsFlatten (flatten), flatten alpha out of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFlatten (flatten), flatten alpha out of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image flatten_options: &FlattenOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFlip (flip), flip an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: Direction -> Direction to flip image Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFloat2rad (float2rad), transform float RGB to Radiance coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFractsurf (fractsurf), make a fractal surface width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFreqmult (freqmult), frequency-domain filtering inp: &VipsImage -> Input image mask: &VipsImage -> Input mask image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsFwfft (fwfft), forward FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGamma (gamma), gamma an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGamma (gamma), gamma an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image gamma_options: &GammaOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussblur (gaussblur), gaussian blur inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0, max: 1000, default: 1.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussblur (gaussblur), gaussian blur inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0, max: 1000, default: 1.5 gaussblur_options: &GaussblurOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussmat (gaussmat), make a gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussmat (gaussmat), make a gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Sigma of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 gaussmat_options: &GaussmatOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussnoise (gaussnoise), make a gaussnoise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGaussnoise (gaussnoise), make a gaussnoise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 gaussnoise_options: &GaussnoiseOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGetpoint (getpoint), read a point from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image x: i32 -> Point to read min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Point to read min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns Vec<f64> - Array of output values
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifFile (gifload), load GIF with libnsgif (.gif), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifBuffer (gifload_buffer), load GIF with libnsgif, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifBuffer (gifload_buffer), load GIF with libnsgif, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from gifload_buffer_options: &GifloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifSource (gifload_source), load gif from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifSource (gifload_source), load gif from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from gifload_source_options: &GifloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadNsgifFile (gifload), load GIF with libnsgif (.gif), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from gifload_options: &GifloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifFile (gifsave), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifBuffer (gifsave_buffer), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifBuffer (gifsave_buffer), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save gifsave_buffer_options: &GifsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifTarget (gifsave_target), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifTarget (gifsave_target), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to gifsave_target_options: &GifsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveCgifFile (gifsave), save as gif (.gif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to gifsave_options: &GifsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsGlobalbalance (globalbalance), global balance an image mosaic inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGlobalbalance (globalbalance), global balance an image mosaic inp: &VipsImage -> Input image globalbalance_options: &GlobalbalanceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGravity (gravity), place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: CompassDirection -> Direction to place image within width/height Centre -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_CENTRE = 0 [DEFAULT] North -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH = 1 East -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_EAST = 2 South -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH = 3 West -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_WEST = 4 NorthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_EAST = 5 SouthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_EAST = 6 SouthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_WEST = 7 NorthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_WEST = 8 Last -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_LAST = 9 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGravity (gravity), place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity inp: &VipsImage -> Input image direction: CompassDirection -> Direction to place image within width/height Centre -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_CENTRE = 0 [DEFAULT] North -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH = 1 East -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_EAST = 2 South -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH = 3 West -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_WEST = 4 NorthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_EAST = 5 SouthEast -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_EAST = 6 SouthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_SOUTH_WEST = 7 NorthWest -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_NORTH_WEST = 8 Last -> VIPS_COMPASS_DIRECTION_LAST = 9 width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 1000000000, default: 1 gravity_options: &GravityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGrey (grey), make a grey ramp image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGrey (grey), make a grey ramp image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 grey_options: &GreyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsGrid (grid), grid an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image tile_height: i32 -> Chop into tiles this high min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 128 across: i32 -> Number of tiles across min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 down: i32 -> Number of tiles down min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifFile (heifload), load a HEIF image (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifBuffer (heifload_buffer), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifBuffer (heifload_buffer), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from heifload_buffer_options: &HeifloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifSource (heifload_source), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifSource (heifload_source), load a HEIF image, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from heifload_source_options: &HeifloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadHeifFile (heifload), load a HEIF image (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from heifload_options: &HeifloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifFile (heifsave), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifBuffer (heifsave_buffer), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifBuffer (heifsave_buffer), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save heifsave_buffer_options: &HeifsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifTarget (heifsave_target), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifTarget (heifsave_target), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to heifsave_target_options: &HeifsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveHeifFile (heifsave), save image in HEIF format (.heic, .heif, .avif), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to heifsave_options: &HeifsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsHistCum (hist_cum), form cumulative histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistEntropy (hist_entropy), estimate image entropy inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram image returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsHistEqual (hist_equal), histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistEqual (hist_equal), histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_equal_options: &HistEqualOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistFind (hist_find), find image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistFindIndexed (hist_find_indexed), find indexed image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image index: &VipsImage -> Index image returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistFindIndexed (hist_find_indexed), find indexed image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image index: &VipsImage -> Index image hist_find_indexed_options: &HistFindIndexedOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistFindNDim (hist_find_ndim), find n-dimensional image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistFindNDim (hist_find_ndim), find n-dimensional image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_find_ndim_options: &HistFindNdimOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistFind (hist_find), find image histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hist_find_options: &HistFindOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output histogram
  • VipsHistIsmonotonic (hist_ismonotonic), test for monotonicity inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram image returns bool - true if in is monotonic
  • VipsHistLocal (hist_local), local histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistLocal (hist_local), local histogram equalisation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 hist_local_options: &HistLocalOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistMatch (hist_match), match two histograms inp: &VipsImage -> Input histogram refp: &VipsImage -> Reference histogram returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistNorm (hist_norm), normalise histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHistPlot (hist_plot), plot histogram inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHoughCircle (hough_circle), find hough circle transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHoughCircle (hough_circle), find hough circle transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hough_circle_options: &HoughCircleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHoughLine (hough_line), find hough line transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHoughLine (hough_line), find hough line transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image hough_line_options: &HoughLineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsHSV2sRGB (HSV2sRGB), transform HSV to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccExport (icc_export), output to device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccExport (icc_export), output to device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image icc_export_options: &IccExportOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccImport (icc_import), import from device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccImport (icc_import), import from device with ICC profile inp: &VipsImage -> Input image icc_import_options: &IccImportOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccTransform (icc_transform), transform between devices with ICC profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image output_profile: &str -> Filename to load output profile from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIccTransform (icc_transform), transform between devices with ICC profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image output_profile: &str -> Filename to load output profile from icc_transform_options: &IccTransformOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIdentity (identity), make a 1D image where pixel values are indexes returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIdentity (identity), make a 1D image where pixel values are indexes identity_options: &IdentityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIfthenelse (ifthenelse), ifthenelse an image cond: &VipsImage -> Condition input image in_1: &VipsImage -> Source for TRUE pixels in_2: &VipsImage -> Source for FALSE pixels returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsIfthenelse (ifthenelse), ifthenelse an image cond: &VipsImage -> Condition input image in_1: &VipsImage -> Source for TRUE pixels in_2: &VipsImage -> Source for FALSE pixels ifthenelse_options: &IfthenelseOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y main: &VipsImage -> Main input image sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Left edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y main: &VipsImage -> Main input image sub: &VipsImage -> Sub-image to insert into main image x: i32 -> Left edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 y: i32 -> Top edge of sub in main min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 insert_options: &InsertOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInvert (invert), invert an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInvertlut (invertlut), build an inverted look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInvertlut (invertlut), build an inverted look-up table inp: &VipsImage -> Matrix of XY coordinates invertlut_options: &InvertlutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInvfft (invfft), inverse FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsInvfft (invfft), inverse FFT inp: &VipsImage -> Input image invfft_options: &InvfftOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images in_1: &VipsImage -> First input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image direction: Direction -> Join left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images in_1: &VipsImage -> First input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image direction: Direction -> Join left-right or up-down Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 join_options: &JoinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kFile (jp2kload), load JPEG2000 image (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kBuffer (jp2kload_buffer), load JPEG2000 image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kBuffer (jp2kload_buffer), load JPEG2000 image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from jp_2kload_buffer_options: &Jp2KloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kSource (jp2kload_source), load JPEG2000 image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kSource (jp2kload_source), load JPEG2000 image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from jp_2kload_source_options: &Jp2KloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJp2kFile (jp2kload), load JPEG2000 image (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from jp_2kload_options: &Jp2KloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kFile (jp2ksave), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kBuffer (jp2ksave_buffer), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kBuffer (jp2ksave_buffer), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jp_2ksave_buffer_options: &Jp2KsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kTarget (jp2ksave_target), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kTarget (jp2ksave_target), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to jp_2ksave_target_options: &Jp2KsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveJp2kFile (jp2ksave), save image in JPEG2000 format (.j2k, .jp2, .jpt, .j2c, .jpc), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from jp_2ksave_options: &Jp2KsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegFile (jpegload), load jpeg from file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegBuffer (jpegload_buffer), load jpeg from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegBuffer (jpegload_buffer), load jpeg from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from jpegload_buffer_options: &JpegloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegSource (jpegload_source), load image from jpeg source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegSource (jpegload_source), load image from jpeg source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from jpegload_source_options: &JpegloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJpegFile (jpegload), load jpeg from file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from jpegload_options: &JpegloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegFile (jpegsave), save image to jpeg file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegBuffer (jpegsave_buffer), save image to jpeg buffer (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegBuffer (jpegsave_buffer), save image to jpeg buffer (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jpegsave_buffer_options: &JpegsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegMime (jpegsave_mime), save image to jpeg mime (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegMime (jpegsave_mime), save image to jpeg mime (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jpegsave_mime_options: &JpegsaveMimeOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegTarget (jpegsave_target), save image to jpeg target (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegTarget (jpegsave_target), save image to jpeg target (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to jpegsave_target_options: &JpegsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveJpegFile (jpegsave), save image to jpeg file (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif), priority=0, rgb-cmyk inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to jpegsave_options: &JpegsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlFile (jxlload), load JPEG-XL image (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlBuffer (jxlload_buffer), load JPEG-XL image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlBuffer (jxlload_buffer), load JPEG-XL image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from jxlload_buffer_options: &JxlloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlSource (jxlload_source), load JPEG-XL image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlSource (jxlload_source), load JPEG-XL image, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from jxlload_source_options: &JxlloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadJxlFile (jxlload), load JPEG-XL image (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from jxlload_options: &JxlloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlFile (jxlsave), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlBuffer (jxlsave_buffer), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlBuffer (jxlsave_buffer), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save jxlsave_buffer_options: &JxlsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlTarget (jxlsave_target), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlTarget (jxlsave_target), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to jxlsave_target_options: &JxlsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveJxlFile (jxlsave), save image in JPEG-XL format (.jxl), priority=0, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to load from jxlsave_options: &JxlsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsLCh2Lab (LCh2Lab), transform LCh to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLCh2CMC (LCh2CMC), transform LCh to CMC inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLab2LabQ (Lab2LabQ), transform float Lab to LabQ coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLab2LabS (Lab2LabS), transform float Lab to signed short inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLab2LCh (Lab2LCh), transform Lab to LCh inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLab2XYZ (Lab2XYZ), transform CIELAB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLab2XYZ (Lab2XYZ), transform CIELAB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lab_2xyz_options: &Lab2XyzOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabQ2Lab (LabQ2Lab), unpack a LabQ image to float Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabQ2LabS (LabQ2LabS), unpack a LabQ image to short Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabQ2sRGB (LabQ2sRGB), convert a LabQ image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabS2Lab (LabS2Lab), transform signed short Lab to float inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabS2LabQ (LabS2LabQ), transform short Lab to LabQ coding inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLabelregions (labelregions), label regions in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Mask of region labels
  • VipsLabelregions (labelregions), label regions in an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument labelregions_options: &LabelregionOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Mask of region labels
  • VipsLinear (linear), calculate (a * in + b) inp: &VipsImage -> Input image a: &[f64] -> Multiply by this. Must have equal len as b b: &[f64] -> Add this. Must have equal len as a returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLinear (linear), calculate (a * in + b) inp: &VipsImage -> Input image a: &[f64] -> Multiply by this. Must have equal len as b b: &[f64] -> Add this. Must have equal len as a linear_options: &LinearOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLineCache (linecache), cache an image as a set of lines inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLineCache (linecache), cache an image as a set of lines inp: &VipsImage -> Input image linecache_options: &LinecacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLogmat (logmat), make a Laplacian of Gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Radius of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsLogmat (logmat), make a Laplacian of Gaussian image sigma: f64 -> Radius of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 1 min_ampl: f64 -> Minimum amplitude of Gaussian min: 0.000001, max: 10000, default: 0.1 logmat_options: &LogmatOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMagick7File (magickload), load file with ImageMagick7, priority=-100, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMagick7Buffer (magickload_buffer), load buffer with ImageMagick7, priority=-100, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMagick7Buffer (magickload_buffer), load buffer with ImageMagick7, priority=-100, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from magickload_buffer_options: &MagickloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMagick7File (magickload), load file with ImageMagick7, priority=-100, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from magickload_options: &MagickloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveMagickFile (magicksave), save file with ImageMagick (), priority=-100, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveMagickBuffer (magicksave_buffer), save image to magick buffer (), priority=-100, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveMagickBuffer (magicksave_buffer), save image to magick buffer (), priority=-100, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save magicksave_buffer_options: &MagicksaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveMagickFile (magicksave), save file with ImageMagick (), priority=-100, untrusted, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to magicksave_options: &MagicksaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsMapim (mapim), resample with a map image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument index: &VipsImage -> Index pixels with this returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMapim (mapim), resample with a map image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument index: &VipsImage -> Index pixels with this mapim_options: &MapimOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaplut (maplut), map an image though a lut inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lut: &VipsImage -> Look-up table image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaplut (maplut), map an image though a lut inp: &VipsImage -> Input image lut: &VipsImage -> Look-up table image maplut_options: &MaplutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworth (mask_butterworth), make a butterworth filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworthBand (mask_butterworth_band), make a butterworth_band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworthBand (mask_butterworth_band), make a butterworth_band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_butterworth_band_options: &MaskButterworthBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworthRing (mask_butterworth_ring), make a butterworth ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworthRing (mask_butterworth_ring), make a butterworth ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 mask_butterworth_ring_options: &MaskButterworthRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskButterworth (mask_butterworth), make a butterworth filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 order: f64 -> Filter order min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_butterworth_options: &MaskButterworthOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskFractal (mask_fractal), make fractal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskFractal (mask_fractal), make fractal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 fractal_dimension: f64 -> Fractal dimension min: 2, max: 3, default: 2.5 mask_fractal_options: &MaskFractalOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussian (mask_gaussian), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussianBand (mask_gaussian_band), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussianBand (mask_gaussian_band), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_band_options: &MaskGaussianBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussianRing (mask_gaussian_ring), make a gaussian ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussianRing (mask_gaussian_ring), make a gaussian ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_ring_options: &MaskGaussianRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskGaussian (mask_gaussian), make a gaussian filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 amplitude_cutoff: f64 -> Amplitude cutoff min: 0, max: 1, default: 0.5 mask_gaussian_options: &MaskGaussianOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdeal (mask_ideal), make an ideal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdealBand (mask_ideal_band), make an ideal band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdealBand (mask_ideal_band), make an ideal band filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff_x: f64 -> Frequency cutoff x min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 frequency_cutoff_y: f64 -> Frequency cutoff y min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 radius: f64 -> Radius of circle min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.1 mask_ideal_band_options: &MaskIdealBandOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdealRing (mask_ideal_ring), make an ideal ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdealRing (mask_ideal_ring), make an ideal ring filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 ringwidth: f64 -> Ringwidth min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_ideal_ring_options: &MaskIdealRingOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMaskIdeal (mask_ideal), make an ideal filter width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 frequency_cutoff: f64 -> Frequency cutoff min: 0, max: 1000000, default: 0.5 mask_ideal_options: &MaskIdealOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMatch (match), first-order match of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMatch (match), first-order match of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 matches_options: &MatchOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMath (math), apply a math operation to an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image math: OperationMath -> Math to perform Sin -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SIN = 0 [DEFAULT] Co -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_COS = 1 Tan -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_TAN = 2 Asin -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ASIN = 3 Aco -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ACOS = 4 Atan -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ATAN = 5 Log -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG = 6 Log10 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LOG10 = 7 Exp -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP = 8 Exp10 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_EXP10 = 9 Sinh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_SINH = 10 Cosh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_COSH = 11 Tanh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_TANH = 12 Asinh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ASINH = 13 Acosh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ACOSH = 14 Atanh -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_ATANH = 15 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH_LAST = 16 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMath2 (math2), binary math operations left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument math_2: OperationMath2 -> Math to perform Pow -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_POW = 0 [DEFAULT] Wop -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_WOP = 1 Atan2 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_ATAN2 = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_LAST = 3 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMath2Const (math2_const), binary math operations with a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image math_2: OperationMath2 -> Math to perform Pow -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_POW = 0 [DEFAULT] Wop -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_WOP = 1 Atan2 -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_ATAN2 = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MATH2_LAST = 3 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMat (matload), load mat from file (.mat), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMat (matload), load mat from file (.mat), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from matload_options: &MatloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMatrixinvert (matrixinvert), invert an matrix inp: &VipsImage -> An square matrix returns VipsImage - Output matrix
  • VipsForeignLoadMatrixFile (matrixload), load matrix (.mat), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMatrixSource (matrixload_source), load matrix, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMatrixSource (matrixload_source), load matrix, priority=0, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from matrixload_source_options: &MatrixloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadMatrixFile (matrixload), load matrix (.mat), priority=0, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from matrixload_options: &MatrixloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignPrintMatrix (matrixprint), print matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save
  • VipsForeignPrintMatrix (matrixprint), print matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save matrixprint_options: &MatrixprintOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveMatrixFile (matrixsave), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveMatrixTarget (matrixsave_target), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveMatrixTarget (matrixsave_target), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to matrixsave_target_options: &MatrixsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveMatrixFile (matrixsave), save image to matrix (.mat), priority=0, mono inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to matrixsave_options: &MatrixsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsMax (max), find image maximum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsMax (max), find image maximum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image max_options: &MaxOptions -> optional arguments returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsMeasure (measure), measure a set of patches on a color chart inp: &VipsImage -> Image to measure h: i32 -> Number of patches across chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 v: i32 -> Number of patches down chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics
  • VipsMeasure (measure), measure a set of patches on a color chart inp: &VipsImage -> Image to measure h: i32 -> Number of patches across chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 v: i32 -> Number of patches down chart min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 measure_options: &MeasureOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics
  • VipsMerge (merge), merge two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical merge Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 dx: i32 -> Horizontal displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 dy: i32 -> Vertical displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMerge (merge), merge two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical merge Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 dx: i32 -> Horizontal displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 dy: i32 -> Vertical displacement from sec to ref min: -100000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 merge_options: &MergeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMin (min), find image minimum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsMin (min), find image minimum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image min_options: &MinOptions -> optional arguments returns f64 - Output value
  • VipsMorph (morph), morphology operation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument mask: &VipsImage -> Input matrix image morph: OperationMorphology -> Morphological operation to perform Erode -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_ERODE = 0 [DEFAULT] Dilate -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_DILATE = 1 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_MORPHOLOGY_LAST = 2 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMosaic (mosaic), mosaic two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xsec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ysec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMosaic1 (mosaic1), first-order mosaic of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMosaic1 (mosaic1), first-order mosaic of two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_1: i32 -> Position of first reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_1: i32 -> Position of first secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yr_2: i32 -> Position of second reference tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xs_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ys_2: i32 -> Position of second secondary tie-point min: -1000000000, max: 1000000000, default: 1 mosaic_1_options: &Mosaic1Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMosaic (mosaic), mosaic two images refp: &VipsImage -> Reference image sec: &VipsImage -> Secondary image direction: Direction -> Horizontal or vertical mosaic Horizontal -> VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Vertical -> VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 Last -> VIPS_DIRECTION_LAST = 2 xref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 yref: i32 -> Position of reference tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 xsec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 ysec: i32 -> Position of secondary tie-point min: 0, max: 1000000000, default: 1 mosaic_options: &MosaicOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMsb (msb), pick most-significant byte from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMsb (msb), pick most-significant byte from an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image msb_options: &MsbOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsMultiply (multiply), multiply two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenexr (openexrload), load an OpenEXR image (.exr), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenexr (openexrload), load an OpenEXR image (.exr), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from openexrload_options: &OpenexrloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenslideFile (openslideload), load file with OpenSlide (.svs, .vms, .vmu, .ndpi, .scn, .mrxs, .svslide, .tif, .bif), priority=100, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenslideSource (openslideload_source), load source with OpenSlide, priority=100, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenslideSource (openslideload_source), load source with OpenSlide, priority=100, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from openslideload_source_options: &OpenslideloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadOpenslideFile (openslideload), load file with OpenSlide (.svs, .vms, .vmu, .ndpi, .scn, .mrxs, .svslide, .tif, .bif), priority=100, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from openslideload_options: &OpenslideloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfFile (pdfload), load PDF from file (.pdf), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfBuffer (pdfload_buffer), load PDF from buffer, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfBuffer (pdfload_buffer), load PDF from buffer, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from pdfload_buffer_options: &PdfloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfSource (pdfload_source), load PDF from source, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfSource (pdfload_source), load PDF from source, priority=0, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from pdfload_source_options: &PdfloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPdfFile (pdfload), load PDF from file (.pdf), priority=0, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from pdfload_options: &PdfloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsPercent (percent), find threshold for percent of pixels inp: &VipsImage -> Input image percent: f64 -> Percent of pixels min: 0, max: 100, default: 50 returns i32 - Threshold above which lie percent of pixels
  • VipsPerlin (perlin), make a perlin noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsPerlin (perlin), make a perlin noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 perlin_options: &PerlinOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsPhasecor (phasecor), calculate phase correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image in_2: &VipsImage -> Second input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngFile (pngload), load png from file (.png), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngBuffer (pngload_buffer), load png from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngBuffer (pngload_buffer), load png from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from pngload_buffer_options: &PngloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngSource (pngload_source), load png from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngSource (pngload_source), load png from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from pngload_source_options: &PngloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPngFile (pngload), load png from file (.png), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from pngload_options: &PngloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngFile (pngsave), save image to file as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngBuffer (pngsave_buffer), save image to buffer as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngBuffer (pngsave_buffer), save image to buffer as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save pngsave_buffer_options: &PngsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngTarget (pngsave_target), save image to target as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngTarget (pngsave_target), save image to target as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to pngsave_target_options: &PngsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveSpngFile (pngsave), save image to file as PNG (.png), priority=0, rgba inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to pngsave_options: &PngsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignLoadPpmFile (ppmload), load ppm from file (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPpmSource (ppmload_source), load ppm base class (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=200, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPpmSource (ppmload_source), load ppm base class (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=200, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from ppmload_source_options: &PpmloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadPpmFile (ppmload), load ppm from file (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from ppmload_options: &PpmloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSavePpmFile (ppmsave), save image to ppm file (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSavePpmTarget (ppmsave_target), save to ppm (.ppm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSavePpmTarget (ppmsave_target), save to ppm (.ppm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to ppmsave_target_options: &PpmsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSavePpmFile (ppmsave), save image to ppm file (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pfm, .pnm), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to ppmsave_options: &PpmsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsPremultiply (premultiply), premultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsPremultiply (premultiply), premultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image premultiply_options: &PremultiplyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsPrewitt (prewitt), Prewitt edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsProfile (profile), find image profiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image Tuple ( VipsImage - First non-zero pixel in column VipsImage - First non-zero pixel in row )
  • VipsProfileLoad (profile_load), load named ICC profile name: &str -> Profile name returns Vec<u8> - Loaded profile
  • VipsProject (project), find image projections inp: &VipsImage -> Input image Tuple ( VipsImage - Sums of columns VipsImage - Sums of rows )
  • VipsQuadratic (quadratic), resample an image with a quadratic transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument coeff: &VipsImage -> Coefficient matrix returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsQuadratic (quadratic), resample an image with a quadratic transform inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument coeff: &VipsImage -> Coefficient matrix quadratic_options: &QuadraticOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRad2float (rad2float), unpack Radiance coding to float RGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadFile (radload), load a Radiance image from a file (.hdr), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadBuffer (radload_buffer), load rad from buffer, priority=-50, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadBuffer (radload_buffer), load rad from buffer, priority=-50, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from radload_buffer_options: &RadloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadSource (radload_source), load rad from source, priority=-50, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadSource (radload_source), load rad from source, priority=-50, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from radload_source_options: &RadloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRadFile (radload), load a Radiance image from a file (.hdr), priority=-50, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from radload_options: &RadloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveRadFile (radsave), save image to Radiance file (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveRadBuffer (radsave_buffer), save image to Radiance buffer (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveRadBuffer (radsave_buffer), save image to Radiance buffer (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save radsave_buffer_options: &RadsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveRadTarget (radsave_target), save image to Radiance target (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveRadTarget (radsave_target), save image to Radiance target (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to radsave_target_options: &RadsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveRadFile (radsave), save image to Radiance file (.hdr), priority=0, rgb inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to radsave_options: &RadsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsRank (rank), rank filter inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 100000, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 100000, default: 11 index: i32 -> Select pixel at index min: 0, max: 100000000, default: 50 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRaw (rawload), load raw data from a file, priority=0, untrusted, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 bands: i32 -> Number of bands in image min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadRaw (rawload), load raw data from a file, priority=0, untrusted, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 bands: i32 -> Number of bands in image min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 rawload_options: &RawloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveRaw (rawsave), save image to raw file (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveRawFd (rawsave_fd), write raw image to file descriptor (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save fd: i32 -> File descriptor to write to min: 0, max: 10000, default: 0
  • VipsForeignSaveRawFd (rawsave_fd), write raw image to file descriptor (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save fd: i32 -> File descriptor to write to min: 0, max: 10000, default: 0 rawsave_fd_options: &RawsaveFdOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveRaw (rawsave), save image to raw file (.raw), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to rawsave_options: &RawsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsRecomb (recomb), linear recombination with matrix inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument m: &VipsImage -> Matrix of coefficients returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReduce (reduce), reduce an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReduce (reduce), reduce an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reduce_options: &ReduceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReduceh (reduceh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReduceh (reduceh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reduceh_options: &ReducehOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReducev (reducev), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReducev (reducev), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 reducev_options: &ReducevOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRelational (relational), relational operation on two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument relational: OperationRelational -> Relational to perform Equal -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Noteq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ = 1 Less -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS = 2 Lesseq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ = 3 More -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE = 4 Moreeq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ = 5 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LAST = 6 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRelationalConst (relational_const), relational operations against a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image relational: OperationRelational -> Relational to perform Equal -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_EQUAL = 0 [DEFAULT] Noteq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_NOTEQ = 1 Less -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESS = 2 Lesseq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LESSEQ = 3 More -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MORE = 4 Moreeq -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_MOREEQ = 5 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_RELATIONAL_LAST = 6 c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRemainder (remainder), remainder after integer division of two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRemainderConst (remainder_const), remainder after integer division of an image and a constant inp: &VipsImage -> Input image c: &mut [f64] -> Array of constants returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsReplicate (replicate), replicate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image across: i32 -> Repeat this many times horizontally min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 down: i32 -> Repeat this many times vertically min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsResize (resize), resize an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument scale: f64 -> Scale image by this factor min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsResize (resize), resize an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument scale: f64 -> Scale image by this factor min: 0, max: 10000000, default: 0 resize_options: &ResizeOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRot (rot), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image angle: Angle -> Angle to rotate image D0 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D0 = 0 D90 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D90 = 1 [DEFAULT] D180 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D180 = 2 D270 -> VIPS_ANGLE_D270 = 3 Last -> VIPS_ANGLE_LAST = 4 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRot45 (rot45), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRot45 (rot45), rotate an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image rot_45_options: &Rot45Options -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRotate (rotate), rotate an image by a number of degrees inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument angle: f64 -> Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRotate (rotate), rotate an image by a number of degrees inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument angle: f64 -> Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees min: -10000000, max: 10000000, default: 0 rotate_options: &RotateOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsRound (round), perform a round function on an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image round: OperationRound -> Rounding operation to perform Rint -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_RINT = 0 [DEFAULT] Ceil -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_CEIL = 1 Floor -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_FLOOR = 2 Last -> VIPS_OPERATION_ROUND_LAST = 3 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipssRGB2HSV (sRGB2HSV), transform sRGB to HSV inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipssRGB2scRGB (sRGB2scRGB), convert an sRGB image to scRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsscRGB2BW (scRGB2BW), convert scRGB to BW inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsscRGB2BW (scRGB2BW), convert scRGB to BW inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sc_rgb2bw_options: &ScRgb2BwOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsscRGB2XYZ (scRGB2XYZ), transform scRGB to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsscRGB2sRGB (scRGB2sRGB), convert an scRGB image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsscRGB2sRGB (scRGB2sRGB), convert an scRGB image to sRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sc_rgb_2s_rgb_options: &ScRgb2SRgbOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsScale (scale), scale an image to uchar inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsScale (scale), scale an image to uchar inp: &VipsImage -> Input image scale_options: &ScaleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsScharr (scharr), Scharr edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSequential (sequential), check sequential access inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSequential (sequential), check sequential access inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sequential_options: &SequentialOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSharpen (sharpen), unsharp masking for print inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSharpen (sharpen), unsharp masking for print inp: &VipsImage -> Input image sharpen_options: &SharpenOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrink (shrink), shrink an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrink (shrink), shrink an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: f64 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 vshrink: f64 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 shrink_options: &ShrinkOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrinkh (shrinkh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: i32 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrinkh (shrinkh), shrink an image horizontally inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument hshrink: i32 -> Horizontal shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 shrinkh_options: &ShrinkhOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrinkv (shrinkv), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: i32 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsShrinkv (shrinkv), shrink an image vertically inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument vshrink: i32 -> Vertical shrink factor min: 1, max: 1000000, default: 1 shrinkv_options: &ShrinkvOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSign (sign), unit vector of pixel inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSimilarity (similarity), similarity transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSimilarity (similarity), similarity transform of an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument similarity_options: &SimilarityOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSines (sines), make a 2D sine wave width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSines (sines), make a 2D sine wave width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 sines_options: &SineOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSmartcrop (smartcrop), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSmartcrop (smartcrop), extract an area from an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Width of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Height of extract area min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 smartcrop_options: &SmartcropOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSobel (sobel), Sobel edge detector inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSpcor (spcor), spatial correlation inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument refp: &VipsImage -> Input reference image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSpectrum (spectrum), make displayable power spectrum inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsStats (stats), find many image stats inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output array of statistics
  • VipsStdif (stdif), statistical difference inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsStdif (stdif), statistical difference inp: &VipsImage -> Input image width: i32 -> Window width in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 height: i32 -> Window height in pixels min: 1, max: 256, default: 11 stdif_options: &StdifOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSubsample (subsample), subsample an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSubsample (subsample), subsample an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical subsample factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 subsample_options: &SubsampleOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSubtract (subtract), subtract two images left: &VipsImage -> Left-hand image argument right: &VipsImage -> Right-hand image argument returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSum (sum), sum an array of images inp: &mut [VipsImage] -> Array of input images returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgFile (svgload), load SVG with rsvg (.svg, .svgz, .svg.gz), priority=-5, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgBuffer (svgload_buffer), load SVG with rsvg, priority=-5, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgBuffer (svgload_buffer), load SVG with rsvg, priority=-5, untrusted, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from svgload_buffer_options: &SvgloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgSource (svgload_source), load svg from source, priority=-5, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgSource (svgload_source), load svg from source, priority=-5, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from svgload_source_options: &SvgloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadSvgFile (svgload), load SVG with rsvg (.svg, .svgz, .svg.gz), priority=-5, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from svgload_options: &SvgloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSwitch (switch), find the index of the first non-zero pixel in tests tests: &mut [VipsImage] -> Table of images to test returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsSystem (system), run an external command cmd_format: &str -> Command to run
  • VipsSystem (system), run an external command cmd_format: &str -> Command to run system_options: &SystemOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsText (text), make a text image text: &str -> Text to render returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsText (text), make a text image text: &str -> Text to render text_options: &TextOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailFile (thumbnail), generate thumbnail from file filename: &str -> Filename to read from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailBuffer (thumbnail_buffer), generate thumbnail from buffer buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailBuffer (thumbnail_buffer), generate thumbnail from buffer buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_buffer_options: &ThumbnailBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailImage (thumbnail_image), generate thumbnail from image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailImage (thumbnail_image), generate thumbnail from image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image argument width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_image_options: &ThumbnailImageOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailSource (thumbnail_source), generate thumbnail from source source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailSource (thumbnail_source), generate thumbnail from source source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_source_options: &ThumbnailSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsThumbnailFile (thumbnail), generate thumbnail from file filename: &str -> Filename to read from width: i32 -> Size to this width min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 thumbnail_options: &ThumbnailOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffFile (tiffload), load tiff from file (.tif, .tiff), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffBuffer (tiffload_buffer), load tiff from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffBuffer (tiffload_buffer), load tiff from buffer, priority=50, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from tiffload_buffer_options: &TiffloadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffSource (tiffload_source), load tiff from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffSource (tiffload_source), load tiff from source, priority=50, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from tiffload_source_options: &TiffloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadTiffFile (tiffload), load tiff from file (.tif, .tiff), priority=50, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from tiffload_options: &TiffloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffFile (tiffsave), save image to tiff file (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffBuffer (tiffsave_buffer), save image to tiff buffer (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffBuffer (tiffsave_buffer), save image to tiff buffer (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save tiffsave_buffer_options: &TiffsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffTarget (tiffsave_target), save image to tiff target (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffTarget (tiffsave_target), save image to tiff target (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to tiffsave_target_options: &TiffsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveTiffFile (tiffsave), save image to tiff file (.tif, .tiff), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to tiffsave_options: &TiffsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles inp: &VipsImage -> Input image tilecache_options: &TilecacheOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsTonelut (tonelut), build a look-up table returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsTonelut (tonelut), build a look-up table tonelut_options: &TonelutOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsTranspose3d (transpose3d), transpose3d an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsTranspose3d (transpose3d), transpose3d an image inp: &VipsImage -> Input image transpose_3d_options: &Transpose3DOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsUnpremultiply (unpremultiply), unpremultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsUnpremultiply (unpremultiply), unpremultiply image alpha inp: &VipsImage -> Input image unpremultiply_options: &UnpremultiplyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadVipsFile (vipsload), load vips from file (.v, .vips), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadVipsSource (vipsload_source), load vips from source, priority=200, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadVipsSource (vipsload_source), load vips from source, priority=200, untrusted, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from vipsload_source_options: &VipsloadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadVipsFile (vipsload), load vips from file (.v, .vips), priority=200, untrusted, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header filename: &str -> Filename to load from vipsload_options: &VipsloadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveVipsFile (vipssave), save image to file in vips format (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveVipsTarget (vipssave_target), save image to target in vips format (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveVipsTarget (vipssave_target), save image to target in vips format (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to vipssave_target_options: &VipssaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveVipsFile (vipssave), save image to file in vips format (.v, .vips), priority=0, any inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to vipssave_options: &VipssaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpFile (webpload), load webp from file (.webp), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpBuffer (webpload_buffer), load webp from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpBuffer (webpload_buffer), load webp from buffer, priority=200, is_a_buffer, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load buffer: &[u8] -> Buffer to load from webpload_buffer_options: &WebploadBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpSource (webpload_source), load webp from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpSource (webpload_source), load webp from source, priority=200, is_a_source, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load source: &VipsSource -> Source to load from webpload_source_options: &WebploadSourceOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignLoadWebpFile (webpload), load webp from file (.webp), priority=200, is_a, get_flags, get_flags_filename, header, load filename: &str -> Filename to load from webpload_options: &WebploadOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpFile (webpsave), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpBuffer (webpsave_buffer), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpBuffer (webpsave_buffer), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save webpsave_buffer_options: &WebpsaveBufferOptions -> optional arguments returns Vec<u8> - Buffer to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpMime (webpsave_mime), save image to webp mime (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpMime (webpsave_mime), save image to webp mime (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save webpsave_mime_options: &WebpsaveMimeOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpTarget (webpsave_target), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpTarget (webpsave_target), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save target: &VipsTarget -> Target to save to webpsave_target_options: &WebpsaveTargetOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsForeignSaveWebpFile (webpsave), save as WebP (.webp), priority=0, rgba-only inp: &VipsImage -> Image to save filename: &str -> Filename to save to webpsave_options: &WebpsaveOptions -> optional arguments
  • VipsWorley (worley), make a worley noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsWorley (worley), make a worley noise image width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 worley_options: &WorleyOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsWrap (wrap), wrap image origin inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsWrap (wrap), wrap image origin inp: &VipsImage -> Input image wrap_options: &WrapOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXyz (xyz), make an image where pixel values are coordinates width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXYZ2Lab (XYZ2Lab), transform XYZ to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXYZ2Lab (XYZ2Lab), transform XYZ to Lab inp: &VipsImage -> Input image xyz2_lab_options: &Xyz2LabOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXYZ2Yxy (XYZ2Yxy), transform XYZ to Yxy inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXYZ2CMYK (XYZ2CMYK), transform XYZ to CMYK inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXYZ2scRGB (XYZ2scRGB), transform XYZ to scRGB inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsXyz (xyz), make an image where pixel values are coordinates width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 64 xyz_options: &XyzOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsYxy2XYZ (Yxy2XYZ), transform Yxy to XYZ inp: &VipsImage -> Input image returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsZone (zone), make a zone plate width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsZone (zone), make a zone plate width: i32 -> Image width in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 height: i32 -> Image height in pixels min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 zone_options: &ZoneOptions -> optional arguments returns VipsImage - Output image
  • VipsZoom (zoom), zoom an image input: &VipsImage -> Input image xfac: i32 -> Horizontal zoom factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 yfac: i32 -> Vertical zoom factor min: 1, max: 10000000, default: 1 returns VipsImage - Output image