Crate libui_ng_sys

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Bindings to libui-ng.


Re-exported items from libc.
Platform-specific functionality.



!< Place in center.
!< Place at end.
!< Fill area.
!< Place at start.
!< Place below control.
!< Place before control.
!< Place above control.
!< Place behind control.
!< Alternate/Option key.
!< Control key.
!< Shift key.
!< Super/Command/Windows key.
Allow no row selection.
!< Allow for exactly one row to be selected.
!< Allow zero or many (multiple) rows to be selected.
!< Allow zero or one row to be selected.


Allocates a uiControl.
Appends a control to the box.
Removes the control at @p index from the box.
Returns the number of controls contained within the box.
Returns whether or not controls within the box are padded.
Sets whether or not controls within the box are padded.
Registers a callback for when the button is clicked.
Sets the button label text.
Returns the button label text.
Returns whether or the checkbox is checked.
Registers a callback for when the checkbox is toggled by the user.
Sets whether or not the checkbox is checked.
Sets the checkbox label text.
Returns the checkbox label text.
Returns the color button color.
Registers a callback for when the color is changed.
Sets the color button color.
Appends an item to the combo box.
Deletes all items from the combo box.
Deletes an item at @p index from the combo box.
Inserts an item at @p index to the combo box.
Returns the number of items contained within the combo box.
Registers a callback for when a combo box item is selected.
Returns the index of the item selected.
Sets the item selected.
Dispose and free all allocated resources.
Disables the control.
Enables the control.
Returns whether or not the control is enabled.
Returns whether or not the control can be interacted with by the user.
Returns the control’s OS-level handle.
Hides the control.
Returns the parent control.
Sets the control’s parent.
Shows the control.
Returns whether or not the control is a top level control.
Makes sure the control’s parent can be set to @p parent.
Returns whether or not the control is visible.
Registers a callback for when the date time picker value is changed by the user.
Sets date and time of the data time picker.
Returns date and time stored in the data time picker.
Appends an item to the editable combo box.
Registers a callback for when an editable combo box item is selected or user text changed.
Sets the editable combo box text.
Returns the text of the editable combo box.
Registers a callback for when the user changes the entry’s text.
Returns whether or not the entry’s text can be changed.
Sets whether or not the entry’s text is read only.
Sets the entry’s text.
Returns the entry’s text.
Returns the selected font.
Registers a callback for when the font is changed.
Appends a control with a label to the form.
Removes the control at @p index from the form.
Returns the number of controls contained within the form.
Returns whether or not controls within the form are padded.
Sets whether or not controls within the box are padded.
Frees the control.
Frees a uiFontDescriptor previously filled by uiFontButtonFont().
Frees the image container and all associated resources.
Frees the table model.
Frees the given uiTableSelection and all it’s resources.
Frees the uiTableValue.
Appends a control to the grid.
Inserts a control positioned in relation to another control within the grid.
Returns whether or not controls within the grid are padded.
Sets whether or not controls within the grid are padded.
Returns whether or not the group has a margin.
Sets the group’s child.
Sets whether or not the group has a margin.
Sets the group title.
Returns the group title.
Appends a new image representation.
Sets the label text.
Returns the label text.
Appends a new About menu item.
Appends a generic menu item with a checkbox.
Appends a generic menu item.
Appends a new Preferences menu item.
Appends a new Quit menu item.
Appends a new separator.
Returns whether or not the menu item’s checkbox is checked.
Disables the menu item.
Enables the menu item.
Registers a callback for when the menu item is clicked.
Sets whether or not the menu item’s checkbox is checked.
Message box dialog window.
Error message box dialog window.
Appends text to the multi line entry’s text.
Registers a callback for when the user changes the multi line entry’s text.
Returns whether or not the multi line entry’s text can be changed.
Sets whether or not the multi line entry’s text is read only.
Sets the multi line entry’s text.
Returns the multi line entry’s text.
Creates a new button.
Creates a new checkbox.
Creates a new color button.
Creates a new combo box.
Creates a new time picker.
Creates a new date picker.
Creates a new editable combo box.
Creates a new entry.
Creates a new font button.
Creates a new form.
Creates a new grid.
Creates a new group.
Creates a new horizontal box.
Creates a new horizontal separator.
Creates a new image container.
Creates a new label.
Creates a new menu.
Creates a new multi line entry that visually wraps text when lines overflow.
Creates a new multi line entry that scrolls horizontally when lines overflow.
Creates a new entry suitable for sensitive inputs like passwords.
Creates a new progress bar.
Creates a new radio buttons instance.
Creates a new entry suitable for search.
Creates a new slider.
Creates a new spinbox.
Creates a new tab container.
Creates a new table.
Creates a new table model.
Creates a new table value to store a color in.
Creates a new table value to store an image.
Creates a new table value to store an integer.
Creates a new table value to store a text string.
Creates a new date and time picker.
Creates a new vertical box.
Creates a new vertical separator.
Creates a new uiWindow.
File chooser dialog window to select a single file.
Folder chooser dialog window to select a single folder.
Sets the progress bar value.
Returns the progress bar value.
Appends a radio button.
Registers a callback for when radio button is selected.
Returns the index of the item selected.
Sets the item selected.
Save file dialog window.
Returns whether or not the slider has a tool tip.
Registers a callback for when the slider value is changed by the user.
Registers a callback for when the slider is released from dragging.
Sets whether or not the slider has a tool tip.
Sets the slider range.
Sets the slider value.
Returns the slider value.
Registers a callback for when the spinbox value is changed by the user.
Sets the spinbox value.
Returns the spinbox value.
Appends a control in form of a page/tab with label.
Removes the control at @p index.
Inserts a control in form of a page/tab with label at @p index.
Returns whether or not the page/tab at @p index has a margin.
Returns the number of pages contained.
Sets whether or not the page/tab at @p index has a margin.
Appends a column to the table containing a button.
Appends a column to the table containing a checkbox.
Appends a column to the table containing a checkbox and text.
Appends an image column to the table.
Appends a column to the table that displays both an image and text.
Appends a column to the table containing a progress bar.
Appends a text column to the table.
Sets the table column width.
Returns the table column width.
Returns the current table selection.
Returns the table selection mode.
Registers a callback for when a table column header is clicked.
Sets the column’s sort indicator displayed in the table header.
Sets whether or not the table header is visible.
Returns the column’s sort indicator displayed in the table header.
Returns whether or not the table header is visible.
Informs all associated uiTable views that a row has been changed.
Informs all associated uiTable views that a row has been deleted.
Informs all associated uiTable views that a new row has been added.
Registers a callback for when the user single clicks a table row.
Registers a callback for when the user double clicks a table row.
Registers a callback for when the table selection changed.
Sets the current table selection clearing any previous selection.
Sets the table selection mode.
Returns the color value held internally.
Gets the uiTableValue type.
Returns a reference to the image contained.
Returns the integer value held internally.
Returns the string value held internally.
Returns whether or not the window is borderless.
Gets the window content size.
Returns whether or not the window is focused.
Returns whether or not the window is full screen.
Returns whether or not the window has a margin.
Registers a callback for when the window is to be closed.
Registers a callback for when the window content size is changed.
Registers a callback for when the window focus changes.
Returns whether or not the window is user resizeable.
Sets whether or not the window is borderless.
Sets the window’s child.
Sets the window content size.
Sets whether or not the window is full screen.
Sets whether or not the window has a margin.
Sets whether or not the window is user resizeable.
Sets the window title.
Returns the window title.

Type Definitions