Crate librashader_capi

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The C API for librashader.

The librashader C API is designed to be loaded dynamically via librashader_ld.h, but static usage is also possible by linking against librashader.h as well as any static libraries used by librashader.


⚠ Rust consumers should use librashader directly instead. ⚠

The librashader C API is designed to be easy to use and safe. Most objects are only accessible behind an opaque pointer. Every allocated object can be freed with a corresponding free function for that specific object type.

Once an object is freed, the input pointer is always set to null. Attempting to free an object that was not allocated from librashader or trying to free an object with a wrong free function results in immediate undefined behaviour.

In general, all functions will accept null pointers for all parameters. However, passing a null pointer into any function that requires a non-null pointer will result in the function returning an error with code INVALID_PARAMETER.

All types that begin with an underscore, such as _libra_error or _shader_preset are handles that can not be constructed validly, and should always be used with pointer indirection via the corresponding _t types.

All functions have safety invariants labeled ## Safety that must be upheld. Failure to uphold these invariants will result in immediate undefined behaviour. Generally speaking, all pointers passed to functions must be aligned regardless of whether or not they are null.


Some option structs take bool values. Any booleans passed to librashader must have a bit pattern equivalent to either 1 or 0. Any other value will cause immediate undefined behaviour. Using _Bool from stdbool.h should maintain this invariant.


The librashader C API provides a robust, reflective error system. Every function returns a libra_error_t, which is either a null pointer, or a handle to an opaque allocated error object. If the returned error is null, then the function was successful. Otherwise, error information can be accessed via the libra_error_ set of APIs. If an error indeed occurs, it may be freed by libra_error_free.

It is highly recommended to check for errors after every call to a librashader API like in the following example.

libra_preset_t preset;
libra_error_t error = libra.preset_create(
        "slang-shaders/crt/crt-lottes.slangp", &preset);
if (error != NULL) {

There is a case to be made for skipping error checking for *_filter_chain_frame due to performance reasons, but only if you are certain that the safety invariants are upheld on each call. Failure to check for errors may result in undefined behaviour stemming from failure to uphold safety invariants.

§Thread safety

Except for the metal runtime, it is in general, safe to create a filter chain instance from a different thread, but drawing filter passes must be synchronized externally. The exception to filter chain creation are in OpenGL, where creating the filter chain instance is safe if and only if the thread local OpenGL context is initialized to the same context as the drawing thread, and in Direct3D 11, where filter chain creation is unsafe if the ID3D11Device was created with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED. Metal is entirely thread unsafe.

You must ensure that only thread has access to a created filter pass before you call *_frame. *_frame may only be called from one thread at a time.



  • Binding types for the librashader C API.
  • librashader error C API. (libra_error_*).
  • librashader preset C API (libra_preset_*).
  • librashader runtime C APIs.
  • librashader instance version helpers.
  • librashader preset wildcard context C API (libra_preset_ctx_*).