Expand description

Library for interacting with pass managed data


Note: These examples assume that the environment variable PASSWORD_STORE_DIR is set to point to the tests/simple/ folder of this repository.

  • Retrieve a specific entry from the store

      let entry = libpass::retrieve("folder/subsecret-a").unwrap();
      assert_eq!(entry.name().unwrap(), "folder/subsecret-a");
  • Retrieve and decrypt a specific entry from the store

      use libpass::StoreEntry;
      match libpass::retrieve("folder/subsecret-a").unwrap() {
          StoreEntry::File(entry) => {
              assert_eq!(entry.plain_io_ro().unwrap().as_ref(), "foobar123\n".as_bytes())
          _ => panic!()


Different handles and utilities for working with files


An iterator that iterates over &StoreEntries contained in a directory and its subdirectories

A reference to a directory in the password store

A reference to a file in the password store


Errors that may returned by library functions

An entry in the password store


Environment variable that is interpreted when evaluating password_store_dir()


List all passwords in the password store in a flat data structure

The default password store directory.

Retrieve the stored entry identified by pass_name

Type Definitions

Custom Result that is equivalent to Result<T, PassError>.