[][src]Trait libp2p::Transport

pub trait Transport where
    <Self::Listener as Stream>::Item == (Self::ListenerUpgrade, Multiaddr),
    <Self::Listener as Stream>::Error == Self::Error,
    <Self::ListenerUpgrade as Future>::Item == Self::Output,
    <Self::ListenerUpgrade as Future>::Error == Self::Error,
    <Self::Dial as Future>::Item == Self::Output,
    <Self::Dial as Future>::Error == Self::Error
{ type Output; type Error: Error; type Listener: Stream; type ListenerUpgrade: Future; type Dial: Future; fn listen_on(
        addr: Multiaddr
    ) -> Result<(Self::Listener, Multiaddr), TransportError<Self::Error>>;
fn dial(
        addr: Multiaddr
    ) -> Result<Self::Dial, TransportError<Self::Error>>;
fn nat_traversal(
        server: &Multiaddr,
        observed: &Multiaddr
    ) -> Option<Multiaddr>; fn boxed(self) -> Boxed<Self::Output, Self::Error>
        Self: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
        Self::Dial: Send,
        Self::Dial: 'static,
        Self::Listener: Send,
        Self::Listener: 'static,
        Self::ListenerUpgrade: Send,
        Self::ListenerUpgrade: 'static
, { ... }
fn map<F, O>(self, map: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        F: FnOnce(Self::Output, ConnectedPoint) -> O + Clone
, { ... }
fn map_err<F, TNewErr>(self, map_err: F) -> MapErr<Self, F>
        F: FnOnce(Self::Error) -> TNewErr + Clone
, { ... }
fn or_transport<T>(self, other: T) -> OrTransport<Self, T> { ... }
fn with_upgrade<U, O, E>(self, upgrade: U) -> Upgrade<Self, U>
        U: InboundUpgrade<Self::Output, Output = O, Error = E> + OutboundUpgrade<Self::Output, Output = O, Error = E>,
        Self::Output: AsyncRead,
        Self::Output: AsyncWrite
, { ... }
fn and_then<C, F, O>(self, upgrade: C) -> AndThen<Self, C>
        C: FnOnce(Self::Output, ConnectedPoint) -> F + Clone,
        F: IntoFuture<Item = O>
, { ... }
fn with_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> TransportTimeout<Self> { ... }
fn with_outbound_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> TransportTimeout<Self> { ... }
fn with_inbound_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> TransportTimeout<Self> { ... } }

A transport is an object that can be used to produce connections by listening or dialing a peer.

This trait is implemented on concrete transports (e.g. TCP, UDP, etc.), but also on wrappers around them.

Note: The methods of this trait use self and not &self or &mut self. In other words, listening or dialing consumes the transport object. This has been designed so that you would implement this trait on &Foo or &mut Foo instead of directly on Foo.

Associated Types

The raw connection to a peer.

Error that can happen when dialing or listening.

The listener produces incoming connections.

An item should be produced whenever a connection is received at the lowest level of the transport stack. The item is a Future that is signalled once some pre-processing has taken place, and that connection has been upgraded to the wanted protocols.

After a connection has been received, we may need to do some asynchronous pre-processing on it (e.g. an intermediary protocol negotiation). While this pre-processing takes place, we want to be able to continue polling on the listener.

A future which indicates that we are currently dialing to a peer.

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Required methods

Listen on the given multiaddr. Returns a stream of incoming connections, plus a modified version of the Multiaddr. This new Multiaddr is the one that that should be advertised to other nodes, instead of the one passed as parameter.

Note: The reason why we need to change the Multiaddr on success is to handle situations such as turning /ip4/ into /ip4/<actual port>.

Dial the given multi-addr.

Returns either a future which may resolve to a connection.

If MultiaddrNotSupported is returned, then caller can try another implementation of Transport if there is any. If instead an error is returned, then we assume that there is no point in trying another Transport.

Takes a multiaddress we're listening on (server), and tries to convert it to an externally-visible multiaddress. In order to do so, we pass an observed address which a remote node observes for one of our dialers.

For example, if server is /ip4/ and observed is /ip4/, then we should return /ip4/

Each implementation of Transport is only responsible for handling the protocols it supports and should only consider the prefix of observed necessary to perform the address translation (e.g. /ip4/ but should otherwise preserve server as is.

Returns None if nothing can be determined. This happens if this trait implementation doesn't recognize the protocols, or if server and observed are not related.

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Provided methods

Turns this Transport into an abstract boxed transport.

Applies a function on the output of the Transport.

Applies a function on the errors generated by the futures of the Transport.

Builds a new struct that implements Transport that contains both self and other.

The returned object will redirect its calls to self, except that if listen_on or dial return an error then other will be tried.

Wraps this transport inside an upgrade. Whenever a connection that uses this transport is established, it is wrapped inside the upgrade.

Note: The concept of an upgrade for example includes middlewares such secio (communication encryption), multiplex, but also a protocol handler.

Wraps this transport inside an upgrade. Whenever a connection that uses this transport is established, it is wrapped inside the upgrade.

Note: The concept of an upgrade for example includes middlewares such secio (communication encryption), multiplex, but also a protocol handler.

Adds a timeout to the connection and upgrade steps for all the sockets created by the transport.

Adds a timeout to the connection and upgrade steps for all the outgoing sockets created by the transport.

Adds a timeout to the connection and upgrade steps for all the incoming sockets created by the transport.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T> Transport for Dialer<T> where
    T: 'static + Send + IntoBuf

impl<T, F, D> Transport for Map<T, F> where
    F: FnOnce(<T as Transport>::Output, ConnectedPoint) -> D + Clone,
    T: Transport

impl<A, B> Transport for OrTransport<A, B> where
    A: Transport,
    B: Transport

impl<T, F, TErr> Transport for MapErr<T, F> where
    F: FnOnce(<T as Transport>::Error) -> TErr + Clone,
    T: Transport,
    TErr: Error

impl<InnerTrans> Transport for TransportTimeout<InnerTrans> where
    InnerTrans: Transport,
    <InnerTrans as Transport>::Error: 'static, 

impl<T> Transport for Listener<T> where
    T: 'static + Send + IntoBuf

impl<O, E> Transport for Boxed<O, E> where
    E: Error

impl<D, U, O, TUpgrErr> Transport for Upgrade<D, U> where
    D: Transport,
    TUpgrErr: Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
    U: InboundUpgrade<<D as Transport>::Output, Output = O, Error = TUpgrErr> + OutboundUpgrade<<D as Transport>::Output, Output = O, Error = TUpgrErr> + Clone,
    <D as Transport>::Output: AsyncRead,
    <D as Transport>::Output: AsyncWrite,
    <D as Transport>::Error: 'static, 

impl<T, C, F, O> Transport for AndThen<T, C> where
    C: FnOnce(<T as Transport>::Output, ConnectedPoint) -> F + Clone,
    F: IntoFuture<Item = O>,
    T: Transport,
    <F as IntoFuture>::Error: Error

impl<T> Transport for DnsConfig<T> where
    T: Transport,
    <T as Transport>::Error: 'static, 

impl<TTrans, TMuxer> Transport for IdentifyTransport<TTrans> where
    TMuxer: StreamMuxer + Send + Sync + 'static,
    TTrans: Transport<Output = TMuxer>,
    <TTrans as Transport>::Error: 'static,
    <TMuxer as StreamMuxer>::Substream: Send,
    <TMuxer as StreamMuxer>::Substream: Sync,
    <TMuxer as StreamMuxer>::Substream: 'static, 

impl<T> Transport for RateLimited<T> where
    T: Transport,
    <T as Transport>::Output: AsyncRead,
    <T as Transport>::Output: AsyncWrite,
    <T as Transport>::Error: 'static, 

impl Transport for TcpConfig

impl Transport for UdsConfig

impl<T> Transport for WsConfig<T> where
    T: Transport + 'static,
    <T as Transport>::Error: Send,
    <T as Transport>::Dial: Send,
    <T as Transport>::Listener: Send,
    <T as Transport>::ListenerUpgrade: Send,
    <T as Transport>::Output: AsyncRead,
    <T as Transport>::Output: AsyncWrite,
    <T as Transport>::Output: Send

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