Crate libnoise

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A simple, performant, and customizable procedural noise generation library.

Libnoise provides utilities to generate coherent noise and customize them by applying a variety of operations which modify and combine generators. With a focus on customizability, the library allows users to create custom generators and modifiers.

Most immediately relevant documentation can be found in Source and Generator.


To get started easily, create a source generator using one of the many sources found in Source, and apply adapters documented in Generator.

use libnoise::prelude::*;

// build a simplex noise generator seeded with 42
let generator = Source::simplex(42);

// sample the generator for input point [0.2, 0.5]
let value = generator.sample([0.2, 0.5]);

Note how the dimensionality, which is internally represented as a constant generic argument, is automatically inferred by sampling the generator with a 2-dimensional input point.

Naturally, we can create more interesting complex generators:

use libnoise::prelude::*;

// build a generator
let generator = Source::simplex(42)                 // start with simplex noise
    .fbm(5, 0.013, 2.0, 0.5)                        // apply fractal brownian motion
    .blend(                                         // apply blending...
        Source::worley(43).scale([0.05, 0.05]),     // ...with scaled worley noise
        Source::worley(44).scale([0.02, 0.02]))     // ...controlled by other worley noise
    .lambda(|f| (f * 2.0).sin() * 0.3 + f * 0.7);   // apply a closure to the noise

// sample the generator for input point [0.2, 0.5]
let value = generator.sample([0.2, 0.5]);

We can also use NoiseBuffer for efficiently filling n-dimensional arrays with noise. The above generator produces the following image, when sampled for every pixel position:


It is common to interpret the 3rd or 4th dimension as time, allowing us to produce space-time noise such as:


Visualizer allows us to get such a visual representation of a given generator when using the image feature.



  • A generator returning the absolute value of the results of the underlying generator.
  • A generator adding offset to results of the underlying generator.
  • Create a generator applying an fbm()-like effect on the underlying generator.
  • A generator blending the underlying generator with a given other generator based on the value supplied by a control-generator.
  • A generator which produces an n-dimensional checkerboard pattern.
  • A generator clamping results of the underlying generator to a given interval.
  • A generator which produces the supplied value for every input point.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional values based on the provided closure.
  • A generator producing the maximum of results of the underlying generator and results of a given other generator.
  • A generator applying the exponential function on results of the underlying generator.
  • A generator applying fractal brownian motion on the underlying generator.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional improved perlin noise.
  • A generator applying the supplied closure to results of the underlying generator.
  • A generator producing the maximum of results of the underlying generator and results of a given other generator.
  • A generator producing the minimum of results of the underlying generator and results of a given other generator.
  • A generator multiplying scale to results of the underlying generator.
  • A generator which negates the results of the underlying generator.
  • A struct for generating an n-dimensional array and efficiently filling it with noise values.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional perlin noise.
  • A generator raising results of the underlying generator to the power of exponent.
  • A generator raising results of the underlying generator to the power of results of a given other generator.
  • A generator multiplying results of the underlying generator to results of a given other generator.
  • Create a generator applying an fbm()-like effect on the underlying generator.
  • A generator which rotates input points before passing them to the underlying generator.
  • A generator which scales input points before passing them to the underlying generator.
  • Create a generator selecting the result of either the underlying generator or that of a given other generator based on whether the value supplied by a control-generator lies within the provided interval.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional simplex noise.
  • A struct serving as entry point for building generators.
  • A generator adding results of the underlying generator to results of a given other generator.
  • A generator which translates input points before passing them to the underlying generator.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional value noise.
  • A struct for visualizing the output of a generator.
  • A generator which produces n-dimensional worley noise.
