Crate ket

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Libket Quantum Programming Library

The Libket library provides a set of tools for quantum programming in Rust. It serves as the runtime library for the Python-embedded quantum programming language Ket.

Note: For more information about the Ket programming language, please visit


To use this library, add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

libket = "0.3.1"

Additionally, you may need to include the following dependencies for quantum code serialization/deserialization and the KBW quantum computer simulator:

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
kbw = "0.1.6"


The following example demonstrates the implementation of Grover’s algorithm using Libket:

use ket::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let n = 4;  // Number of qubits

    let p = Process::new_ptr();  // Create a new quantum process

    let mut qubits = Quant::new(&p, n)?;  // Create a quantum register with `n` qubits

    h(&qubits)?;  // Apply Hadamard gate to all qubits

    let steps = (std::f64::consts::PI / 4.0 * f64::sqrt((1 << n) as f64)) as i32;  // Calculate the number of steps for the Grover's algorithm

    for _ in 0..steps {
        ctrl(&qubits.slice(1..), || z(&;  // Apply controlled-Z gate with the first qubit as the target and the rest as controls

            || {
                h(&qubits).unwrap();  // Apply Hadamard gate to all qubits
                x(&qubits).unwrap();  // Apply Pauli-X gate to all qubits
            || ctrl(&qubits.slice(1..), || z(&,  // Apply controlled-Z gate with the first qubit as the target and the rest as controls

    let _ = measure(&mut qubits)?;  // Perform measurement on the qubits

    let mut p = p.borrow_mut();
    p.prepare_for_execution()?;  // Prepare the quantum program for execution
    println!("{:#?}", p.blocks());  // Print the blocks of the quantum program


The example demonstrates the usage of various Libket functions to implement Grover’s algorithm, including qubit initialization, gate operations, control structures, and measurement.

For more examples, refer to the Libket Git repository

