[][src]Trait libftd2xx::FtdiCommon

pub trait FtdiCommon {
    const DEVICE_TYPE: DeviceType;

    fn handle(&mut self) -> FT_HANDLE;

    fn device_info(&mut self) -> Result<DeviceInfo, FtStatus> { ... }
fn driver_version(&mut self) -> Result<Version, FtStatus> { ... }
fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_usb_parameters(
        &mut self,
        in_transfer_size: u32
    ) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_chars(
        &mut self,
        event_char: u8,
        event_enable: bool,
        error_char: u8,
        error_enable: bool
    ) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_timeouts(
        &mut self,
        read_timeout: Duration,
        write_timeout: Duration
    ) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_deadman_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_latency_timer(&mut self, timer: Duration) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn latency_timer(&mut self) -> Result<Duration, FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_flow_control_none(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_flow_control_rts_cts(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_flow_control_dtr_dsr(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_flow_control_xon_xoff(
        &mut self,
        xon: u8,
        xoff: u8
    ) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn set_bit_mode(&mut self, mask: u8, mode: BitMode) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn queue_status(&mut self) -> Result<usize, FtStatus> { ... }
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), TimeoutError> { ... }
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TimeoutError> { ... }
fn purge_tx(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn purge_rx(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn purge_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn close(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_word_read(&mut self, offset: u32) -> Result<u16, FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_word_write(
        &mut self,
        offset: u32,
        value: u16
    ) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_erase(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_user_size(&mut self) -> Result<usize, FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_user_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, FtStatus> { ... }
fn eeprom_user_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), FtStatus> { ... } }

FTD2XX functions common to all devices.

Associated Constants

const DEVICE_TYPE: DeviceType

FTDI device type.

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Required methods

fn handle(&mut self) -> FT_HANDLE

Get the FTDI device handle.

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Provided methods

fn device_info(&mut self) -> Result<DeviceInfo, FtStatus>

Get device information for an open device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let info = ft.device_info()?;
println!("Device information: {:?}", info);

fn driver_version(&mut self) -> Result<Version, FtStatus>

Returns the D2XX driver version number.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let version = ft.driver_version()?;
println!("Driver Version: {}", version);

fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sends a reset command to the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn set_usb_parameters(&mut self, in_transfer_size: u32) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Set the USB request transfer size.

This function can be used to change the transfer sizes from the default transfer size of 4096 bytes to better suit the application requirements.

Transfer sizes must be set to a multiple of 64 bytes between 64 bytes and 64k bytes. Other values will result in panic.

When set_usb_parameters is called, the change comes into effect immediately and any data that was held in the driver at the time of the change is lost.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn set_chars(
    &mut self,
    event_char: u8,
    event_enable: bool,
    error_char: u8,
    error_enable: bool
) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sets the special characters for the device.

This function allows for inserting specified characters in the data stream to represent events firing or errors occurring.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

// disable all special characters
ft.set_chars(0, false, 0, false)?;

fn set_timeouts(
    &mut self,
    read_timeout: Duration,
    write_timeout: Duration
) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sets the read and write timeouts for the device.

The timeout values are limited to 4,294,967,295 (std::u32::MAX) milliseconds.

The timeout values have a 1 millisecond resolution.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};
use std::time::Duration;

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

// Set read timeout of 5sec, write timeout of 1sec
ft.set_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(5000), Duration::from_millis(1000))?;

fn set_deadman_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This method allows the maximum time in milliseconds that a USB request can remain outstandingto be set.

The deadman timeout is referred to in FTDI application note AN232B-10 Advanced Driver Options as the USB timeout. It is unlikely that this method will be required by most users.

The default duration is 5 seconds.

The timeout value is limited to 4,294,967,295 (std::u32::MAX) milliseconds.

The timeout value has a 1 millisecond resolution.

use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};
use std::time::Duration;

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

// set deadman timeout to 5 seconds

fn set_latency_timer(&mut self, timer: Duration) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Set the latency timer value.

In the FT8U232AM and FT8U245AM devices, the receive buffer timeout that is used to flush remaining data from the receive buffer was fixed at 16 ms. In all other FTDI devices, this timeout is programmable and can be set at 1 ms intervals between 2ms and 255 ms. This allows the device to be better optimized for protocols requiring faster response times from short data packets.

The valid range for the latency timer is 2 to 255 milliseconds.

The resolution for the latency timer is 1 millisecond.

Note the python FTDI library, pyftdi reports that values lower than 16 ms may result in data loss.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};
use std::time::Duration;

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

// Set latency timer to 16 milliseconds

fn latency_timer(&mut self) -> Result<Duration, FtStatus>

Get the current value of the latency timer.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};
use std::time::Duration;

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let timer = Duration::from_millis(32);
assert_eq!(ft.latency_timer()?, timer);

fn set_flow_control_none(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function disables flow control for the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn set_flow_control_rts_cts(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sets RTS/CTS flow control for the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn set_flow_control_dtr_dsr(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sets DTS/DSR flow control for the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn set_flow_control_xon_xoff(
    &mut self,
    xon: u8,
    xoff: u8
) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function sets XON/XOFF flow control for the device.


  • xon - Character used to signal Xon.
  • xoff - Character used to signal Xoff.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
ft.set_flow_control_xon_xoff(0x11, 0x13)?;

fn set_bit_mode(&mut self, mask: u8, mode: BitMode) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Enables different chip modes.


  • mask - This bit mask sets up which bits are inputs and outputs. A bit value of 0 sets the corresponding pin to an input, a bit value of 1 sets the corresponding pin to an output. In the case of CBUS Bit Bang, the upper nibble of this value controls which pins are inputs and outputs, while the lower nibble controls which of the outputs are high and low.
  • mode - Bitmode, see the BitMode struct for more details.

For a description of available bit modes for the FT232R, see the application note Bit Bang Modes for the FT232R and FT245R.

For a description of available bit modes for the FT2232, see the application note Bit Mode Functions for the FT2232.

For a description of Bit Bang Mode for the FT232B and FT245B, see the application note FT232B/FT245B Bit Bang Mode.

Application notes are available for download from the FTDI website.

Note that to use CBUS Bit Bang for the FT232R, the CBUS must be configured for CBUS Bit Bang in the EEPROM.

Note that to use Single Channel Synchronous 245 FIFO mode for the FT2232H, channel A must be configured for FT245 FIFO mode in the EEPROM.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, BitMode, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
ft.set_bit_mode(0xFF, BitMode::AsyncBitbang)?;

fn queue_status(&mut self) -> Result<usize, FtStatus>

Gets the number of bytes in the receive queue.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut buf: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096];
let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let rx_bytes = ft.queue_status()?;

if (rx_bytes > 0) {
    ft.read(&mut buf[0..rx_bytes])?;

fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), TimeoutError>

Read data from the device.

This function does not return until the the buffer has been filled. The number of bytes in the receive queue can be determined by calling queue_status, and then an buffer equal to the length of that value can be passed to read so that the function reads the device and returns immediately.

When a read timeout value has been specified in a previous call to set_timeouts, read returns when the timer expires or when the buffer has been filled, whichever occurs first. If the timeout occurred, read reads available data into the buffer and returns TimeoutError error.


Read all available data

use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut buf: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096];
let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let rx_bytes = ft.queue_status()?;

if rx_bytes > 0 {
    ft.read(&mut buf[0..rx_bytes])?;

Read with a timeout of 5 seconds

use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon, TimeoutError};
use std::time::Duration;

const BUF_LEN: usize = 4096;
let mut buf: [u8; BUF_LEN] = [0; BUF_LEN];
let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

ft.set_timeouts(Duration::from_millis(5000), Duration::from_millis(0))?;

let valid_data = match ft.read(&mut buf) {
    Err(e) => match e {
        TimeoutError::Timeout{actual: actual, expected: expected} => {
            eprintln!("Read timeout occured after 5s! {:?}", e);
        TimeoutError::FtStatus(status) => {
            panic!("FTDI Status Error: {:?}", status);
    _ => &buf[0..buf.len()],

fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), TimeoutError>

Write data to the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

const BUF_SIZE: usize = 256;
let buf: [u8; BUF_SIZE] = [0; BUF_SIZE];
let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn purge_tx(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function purges the transmit buffers in the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn purge_rx(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function purges the receive buffers in the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn purge_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

This function purges the transmit and receive buffers in the device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn close(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Close an open device.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn eeprom_word_read(&mut self, offset: u32) -> Result<u16, FtStatus>

Read a value from an EEPROM location.


  • offset - EEPROM location to read from.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

const LOCATION: u32 = 0x0;
let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let value = ft.eeprom_word_read(LOCATION)?;
println!("The value at EEPROM address 0x{:X} is 0x{:04X}", LOCATION, value);

fn eeprom_word_write(&mut self, offset: u32, value: u16) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Writes a value to an EEPROM location.


  • offset - EEPROM location to write to.
  • value - Value to write.


Writing bad values to the EEPROM can brick your device. Please take a moment to read the license for this crate before using this function.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
ft.eeprom_word_write(0x0, 0x1234)?;

fn eeprom_erase(&mut self) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Erases the entire contents of the EEPROM, including the user area.

Note: The FT232R and FT245R have an internal EEPROM that cannot be erased.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;

fn eeprom_user_size(&mut self) -> Result<usize, FtStatus>

Get the available size of the EEPROM user area in bytes.

The user area of an FTDI device EEPROM is the total area of the EEPROM that is unused by device configuration information and descriptors. This area is available to the user to store information specific to their application. The size of the user area depends on the length of the Manufacturer, ManufacturerId, Description and SerialNumber strings programmed into the EEPROM.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let ua_size = ft.eeprom_user_size()?;
println!("EEPROM user area size: {} Bytes", ua_size);

fn eeprom_user_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, FtStatus>

Read the contents of the EEPROM user area.

The size of the user area can be determined with eeprom_user_size.

The function returns the actual number of bytes read into the buffer. If the buffer is larger than the user size the return value will be less than the length of the buffer. The return value should be checked to ensure the expected number of bytes was read.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let mut buf: [u8; 9] = [0; 9];
let num_read = ft.eeprom_user_read(&mut buf)?;
assert_eq!(buf.len(), num_read);

fn eeprom_user_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), FtStatus>

Write to the EEPROM user area.

An error will be returned when the buffer size is larger than the user area size. The size of the user area can be determined with eeprom_user_size.


use libftd2xx::{Ftdi, FtdiCommon};

let mut ft = Ftdi::new()?;
let data = "Hello, World";
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impl FtdiCommon for Ft232h[src]

impl FtdiCommon for Ft4232h[src]

impl FtdiCommon for Ftdi[src]

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