pub unsafe extern "C" fn LeapGetDeviceInfo(
    hDevice: LEAP_DEVICE,
    info: *mut LEAP_DEVICE_INFO
) -> eLeapRS
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\ingroup Functions Gets device properties.

To get the device serial number, you must supply a LEAP_DEVICE_INFO struct whose serial member points to a char array large enough to hold the null-terminated serial number string. To get the required length, call LeapGetDeviceInfo() using a LEAP_DEVICE_INFO struct that has serial set to NULL. LeapC sets serial_length field of the struct to the required length. You can then allocate memory for the string, set the serial field, and call this function again.

@param hDevice A handle to the device to be queried. @param[out] info The struct to receive the device property data. @returns The operation result code, a member of the eLeapRS enumeration. @since 3.0.0