Crate layout

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This crate provides a library for parsing and rendering GraphViz files. It supports many of the GraphViz features, like records, edge styles and left-to-right graphs, but lacks other features, such as nested graphs or embedded html. This crate also provides an API for constructing and rendering graphs.

For more specific details on the API for regular expressions, see the documentation for the specific sub modules.

The project also comes with a command line utility for rendering .DOT files to .svg.

§Parser example: parse a dot file

This crate provides an API for parsing DOT files.

Add the following to Cargo.toml:

layout-rs = "0.1.1" # or
layout-rs = { version = "0.1.1", features = ["log"] }

Load, parse and print the AST:

use layout::gv;

let contents = "digraph { a -> b [label=\"foo\"]; }";
let mut parser = gv::DotParser::new(&contents);

match parser.process() {
    Ok(g) => gv::dump_ast(&g),
    Err(err) => {
        log::error!("Error: {}", err);

The example above would print the program AST, or a readable error message, such as:

digraph {

node [fillcolor="purple"] A B;
node [fillcolor="orange"] Z;
node [fillcolor="green"] G; a = ;
Error: Expected an identifier.

§Graph Builder example: create a new graph

This crate provides an API creating and rendering graphs. For example, this code builds a graph with two nodes that are connected with an edge.

fn simple_graph() {
    use layout::backends::svg::SVGWriter;
    use layout::core::base::Orientation;
    use layout::core::geometry::Point;
    use layout::core::style::*;
    use layout::core::utils::save_to_file;
    use layout::std_shapes::shapes::*;
    use layout::topo::layout::VisualGraph;
    use layout::topo::placer::Placer;
    use std::fs;

    // Create a new graph:
    let mut vg = VisualGraph::new(Orientation::LeftToRight);

    // Define the node styles:
    let sp0 = ShapeKind::new_box("one");
    let sp1 = ShapeKind::new_box("two");
    let look0 = StyleAttr::simple();
    let look1 = StyleAttr::simple();
    let sz = Point::new(100., 100.);
    // Create the nodes:
    let node0 = Element::create(sp0, look0, Orientation::LeftToRight, sz);
    let node1 = Element::create(sp1, look1, Orientation::LeftToRight, sz);

    // Add the nodes to the graph, and save a handle to each node.
    let handle0 = vg.add_node(node0);
    let handle1 = vg.add_node(node1);

    // Add an edge between the nodes.
    let arrow = Arrow::simple("123");
    vg.add_edge(arrow, handle0, handle1);

    // Render the nodes to some rendering backend.
    let mut svg = SVGWriter::new();
    vg.do_it(false, false, false, &mut svg);

    // Save the output.
    let _ = save_to_file("/tmp/graph.svg", &svg.finalize());


  • This module holds the implementations of data structures that are used in the program.
  • Defines and keeps the implementation of the rendering backends.
  • A module contain the interfaces, utilities and data-structures that are shared by the other modules.
  • A module that contains everything that has to do with handling the GraphViz file format (parsing, building a compatible graph, etc.)
  • This module contains the implementation of the standard built-in shapes.
  • A module that implements the topological-based layout.