Crate landlock

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Landlock is a security feature available since Linux 5.13. The goal is to enable to restrict ambient rights (e.g., global filesystem access) for a set of processes by creating safe security sandboxes as new security layers in addition to the existing system-wide access-controls. This kind of sandbox is expected to help mitigate the security impact of bugs, unexpected or malicious behaviors in applications. Landlock empowers any process, including unprivileged ones, to securely restrict themselves. More information about Landlock can be found in the official website.

This crate provides a safe abstraction for the Landlock system calls, along with some helpers.

Use cases

This crate is especially useful for built-in application sandboxing:

  • Parser hardening (e.g., archive tools, file format conversion, renderers).
  • (Part of) applications with limited file renaming or linking needs (e.g., some system or network services).
  • Applications dealing with different levels of confidentiality (e.g., web browser, email server).


A simple example can be found with the path_beneath_rules() helper. More complex examples can be found with the Ruleset documentation and the sandboxer example.

Current limitations

This crate exposes the Landlock features available as of Linux 5.19 and then inherits some kernel limitations that will be addressed with future kernel releases (e.g., arbitrary mounts are always denied).


Types defined in this crate are designed to enable the strictest Landlock configuration for the given kernel on which the program runs. In the default best-effort mode, Ruleset will determine compatibility with the intersection of the currently running kernel’s features and those required by the caller. This way, callers can distinguish between Landlock compatibility issues inherent to the current system (e.g., file names that don’t exist) and misconfiguration that should be fixed in the program (e.g., empty or inconsistent access rights). RulesetError identifies such kind of errors.

With set_best_effort(), users of the crate may identify which Landlock features are deemed required and which features may be downgraded to use lower security on systems where they can’t be enforced. It is discouraged to compare the system’s provided Landlock ABI version directly, as it is difficult to track detailed ABI differences which are handled thanks to the Compatible trait.

To make it easier to migrate to a new version of this library, we use the builder pattern and designed objects to require the minimal set of method arguments. Most enum are marked as non_exhaustive to enable backward-compatible evolutions.

Test strategy

Developers should test their sandboxed applications with a kernel that supports all requested Landlock features and check that RulesetCreated::restrict_self() returns a status matching Ok(RestrictionStatus { ruleset: RulesetStatus::FullyEnforced, no_new_privs: true, }) to make sure everything works as expected in an enforced sandbox. However, applications should only check that no error is returned (i.e. Ok(_)) and optionally log and inform users that the application is not fully sandboxed because of missing features from the running kernel.


make_bitflags! provides a succint syntax for creating instances of BitFlags<T>. Instead of repeating the name of your type for each flag you want to add, try make_bitflags!(Flags::{Foo | Bar}).


Represents a set of flags of some type T. T must have the #[bitflags] attribute applied.
Landlock rule for a file hierarchy.
Simple helper to open a file or a directory with the O_PATH flag.
Landlock ruleset builder.
Ruleset created with Ruleset::create().


Version of the Landlock ABI.
File system access right.
Identifies errors when adding a rule to a ruleset.
Identifies errors when adding rules to a ruleset thanks to an iterator returning Result<Rule, E> items.
Identifies errors when creating a ruleset.
Identifies errors when updating the ruleset’s handled access-rights.
Maps to all errors that can be returned by a ruleset action.
Enforcement status of a ruleset.


Properly handles runtime unsupported features.


Helper to quickly create an iterator of PathBeneath rules.