[][src]Crate lamedh_runtime

The official Rust runtime for AWS Lambda.

There are two mechanisms available for defining a Lambda function:

  1. The lambda attribute macro, which generates the boilerplate to launch and run a Lambda function.

    The [#[lambda]] attribute must be placed on an asynchronous main function. However, as asynchronous main functions are not legal valid Rust this means that the main function must also be decorated using a [#[tokio::main]] attribute macro. This is available from the [Tokio] crate.

  2. A type that conforms to the Handler trait. This type can then be passed to the the lamedh_runtime::run function, which launches and runs the Lambda runtime.

An asynchronous function annotated with the #[lambda] attribute must accept an argument of type A which implements serde::Deserialize, a lambda::Context and return a Result<B, E>, where B implements [serde::Serializable]. E is any type that implements Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>.

use lamedh_runtime::{lambda, Context, Error};
use serde_json::Value;

async fn main(event: Value, _: Context) -> Result<Value, Error> {

[#[tokio::main]]: https://docs.rs/tokio/0.2.21/tokio/attr.main.html [Tokio]: https://docs.rs/tokio/



Configuration derived from environment variables.


The Lambda function execution context. The values in this struct are populated using the Lambda environment variables and the headers returned by the poll request to the Runtime APIs.


A Handler implemented by a closure.



A trait describing an asynchronous function A to B.



Returns a new HandlerFn with the given closure.


Starts the Lambda Rust runtime and begins polling for events on the Lambda Runtime APIs.


Runs the lambda function almost entirely in-memory. This is meant for testing.

Type Definitions


Error type that lambdas may result in

Attribute Macros


Wrap an async function into the lambda constructs