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Utility functions for web application development.

This includes


Common characters expressed as a single byte each, according to UTF-8.

Parsing utilities and constants for Kvarn extensions.

General parsing complying to the HTTP standards.

The prelude for common web application utilities.


Convenience macro to create a Bytes from multiple &[u8] sources.

Stringify $field on $self. This only returns the field name. This is constructed to make your IDE recognize the input as the actual field. This means renaming is applied to the string returned from this when you rename a field in your IDE.

Adds a $field to the std::fmt::DebugStruct, $f from $self.

fmt_field! but multiple.

Return stringified representation of $item. This uses similar techniques to ident_str!.

Tests if the first arguments starts with any of the following.


Implements Debug from the Display implementation of value.

Critical components from request to apply to response.

The arguments and name of a single Present extension.

An iterator of str for the arguments in PresentArguments

The Present extensions parsed from a file containing them.

Iterator for quoted_str_split. Returns owned strings.

Should only be used from within Kvarn! A super-unsafe pointer. Must be used with great care.

A pair of a value string and a quality of said value.

A writeable Bytes.


Trait to enable .as_clean to get a CleanDebug for the variable.


Clones a Request, discarding the body.

Clones a Response, discarding the body.

Encodes, to be decoded by quoted_str_split, src by appending to dest.

Gets the body length from the Request::headers of request.

Gets the body length of a response.

Get a hardcoded error message.

Checks the equality of value of name in headers and value. Value does not need to be all lowercase; the equality operation ignores the cases.

Checks byte if it’s a valid byte for HeaderValues.

Joins the items in iter with a separator using 1 allocation.

Parses a header with a value-quality list of pairs.

Makes a PathBuf using one allocation.

Does a request of type method have a body?

Does a response of type method have a body?

Decodes the URI encoding.

Shell-like splitting of s.

Casts &T to *mut T for getting mutable access from a immutable reference.

Removes all headers from headers with name.

Sanitizes request for unwanted data and returns critical components.

Sets the content-length of headers to len.

Splits a Response into a empty Response and it’s body.

Check if bytes starts with a valid Method.

Checks if bytes starts with a valid Version