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Re-exports from kube-runtime Common components for building Kubernetes operators

This crate contains the core building blocks to allow users to build controllers/operators/watchers that need to synchronize/reconcile kubernetes state.

Newcomers are recommended to start with the Controller builder, which gives an opinionated starting point that should be appropriate for simple operators, but all components are designed to be usable á la carte if your operator doesn’t quite fit that mold.


Runs a user-supplied reconciler function on objects when they (or related objects) are updated

Publishes events for objects for kubernetes >= 1.19

Finalizer helper for Controller reconcilers

Caches objects in memory

Delays and deduplicates [Stream] items

Helpers for manipulating built-in streams

Waits for objects to reach desired states

Watches a Kubernetes Resource for changes, with error recovery




Apply a reconciler to an input stream, with a given retry policy

Reconcile an object in a way that requires cleanup before an object can be deleted.

Caches objects from watcher::Events to a local Store

Stream transformer that delays and deduplicates [Stream] items.

Watches a Kubernetes Resource for changes continuously