ksrt 0.1.0

Kafka Schema Registry Tool
ksrt-0.1.0 is not a library.

Kafka Schema Registry Tool

Crates.io Docs.rs

This command-line tool aims to make it easier for developers who utilize the Confluent Schema Registry to manage message schemas stored in it.

Primarily, it provides the ability to publish up-to-date message schemas to the registry, as well as retrieve current schemas from the registry.

In its initial release, it only supports protobuf schemas.


cargo install ksrt


To see the supported commands and their options:

ksrt -h


Post a protobuf schema and all its dependencies to the Schema Registry:

ksrt post -T protobuf -t access_log --strip-comments -f ~/protobuf/access_log.proto http://cp-schema-registry.local:8081


Licensed under the MIT license.