Expand description
Date/time library
See also the kron
use kron_lib::*;
// Get current timestamp
let now = Kron::now();
// Print it ~ "2023-05-26T13:07:42Z\n"
// Get a specific timestamp (0 = UNIX epoch)
let ts = Kron::timestamp(626609862).unwrap();
// Default format (ISO8601)
assert_eq!(format!("{ts}"), "1989-11-09T10:17:42Z");
assert_eq!(ts.to_string(), "1989-11-09T10:17:42Z");
// Format constant
assert_eq!(ts.format(&COMPACT).unwrap(), "19891109-101742Z");
assert_eq!(ts.format(&ISO8601).unwrap(), "1989-11-09T10:17:42Z");
// Create a custom format and use it
let custom_fmt = KronFormat::new(
"[weekday repr:short] [month]/[day]/[year] [hour]:[minute]",
assert_eq!(ts.format(&custom_fmt).unwrap(), "Thu 11/09/1989 10:17");
// Use a custom format string directly
ts.format_str("[hour]:[minute]:[second] [month]/[day]/[year]").unwrap(),
"10:17:42 11/09/1989",
// Get the UNIX timestamp in seconds/nanoseconds by accessing the internal
// `time::OffsetDateTime`
assert_eq!(ts.dt.unix_timestamp(), 626609862);
assert_eq!(ts.dt.unix_timestamp_nanos(), 626609862000000000);
Format syntax
Component | Description |
[day {padding:{zero,space,none}}] | Day of month |
[hour {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{12,24}}] | Clock hour |
[minute {padding:{zero,space,none}}] | Minute within the clock hour |
[month {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{numerical,long,short},case_sensitive:{true,false}}] | Month |
[offset_hour {padding:{zero,space,none},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}] | Whole hours offset from UTC |
[offset_minute {padding:{zero,space,none}] | Minutes within the hour offset from UTC |
[offset_second {padding:{zero,space,none}] | Seconds within the minute offset from UTC |
[ordinal {padding:{zero,space,none}}] | Day of year |
[period {case:{lower,upper},case_sensitive:{true,false}}] | AM/PM |
[second {padding:{zero,space,none}}] | Second within the clock minute |
[subsecond {digits:1+,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}] | Subsecond within the clock second |
[unix_timestamp {precision:{second,millisecond,microsecond,nanosecond},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}] | Unix timestamp |
[week_number {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{iso,sunday,monday}}] | Week of the year |
[weekday {repr:{long,short,sunday,monday},one_indexed:{false,true},case_sensitive:{true,false}}] | Day of the week |
[year {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{full,last_two},base:{calendar,iso_week},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}] | Year |
See https://time-rs.github.io/book/api/format-description.html for additional details.
Please find the CHANGELOG.md
in the repository.