Constant konst::alloc_type::COW_STR_NEW

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pub const COW_STR_NEW: Cow<'_, str>;
Available on crate feature alloc only.
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An empty Cow<'_, str>. Usable to construct a [Cow<'_, str>; N].

As of Rust 1.65.0, [Cow::Borrowed(""); LEN] is not valid, because Cow<'_, str> isn’t copy, but [COW_STR_NEW; LEN] does work, like in the example below.


use konst::alloc_type::COW_STR_NEW;

use std::borrow::Cow;

const SIX_COWS: [Cow<'_, str>; 6] = [COW_STR_NEW; 6];

let mut cows = SIX_COWS;

    .filter(|(i, _)| i % 2 == 0 )
    .for_each(|(i, c)|{

assert_eq!(cows, ["a", "", "c", "", "e", ""])