Crate kmip_ttlv

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A crate to (de)serialize Rust data types from/to bytes in the KMIP TTLV format.

This is the detailed API documentation. For a higher level introduction see the README.

Note that this crate only supports (de)serialization of primitive TTLV types, it does NOT send or receive data. See the kmip-protocol crate for support for (de)serializing KMIP specification defined objects composed from TTLV primitives and for an example TLS client.

Usage, features and APIs

Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

kmip-ttlv = "0.3.5"
serde = "1.0.126"
serde_derive = "1.0.126"

High level API

Assuming that you have already defined your Rust types with the required attributes (more on this below) you can serialize and deserialize them using the high level Serde Derive based API as follows:

use kmip_ttlv::{Config, from_slice, to_vec};

// Serialize some struct variable (whose type is correctly
// attributed) to bytes in TTLV format:
let bytes = to_vec(&my_struct)?;

// Deserialize the byte vec back to a struct:
let my_other_struct: MyStruct = from_slice(&mut bytes)?;

Low level API

There is also a low-level API which is much more labourious to use. The high-level API should be sufficient unless you wish to avoid depending on the Serde crates. You can disable the dependence on Serde by setting default-features = false in Cargo.toml, e.g.:

kmip-ttlv = { version = "0.3.1", default-features = false }

To learn more about the low-level API see the types module.

Async API

This crate also supports deserialization from an async reader via the feature flags async-with-async-std and async-with-tokio. Only one of these flags can be specified at once and neither can be mixed with the default ‘sync’ feature flag. The example below also enables the high level API which is disabled otherwise when you use default-features = false.

version = "0.3.1"
default-features = false
features = ["async-with-async-std", "high-level"]

Without an async feature enabled you can only pass something that implements the Read trait to de::from_reader.

With an async feature enabled you can pass something that implements async_std::io::ReadExt or tokio::io::AsyncReadExt. You’ll also need to then suffix the call to de::from_reader with .await and call it from an async function or block.

TTLV format

TTLV stands for Tag-Type-Length-Value which represents the format of each node in a tree when serialized to bytes:

  • The TTLV format is defined as part of the Oasis Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.0 (aka KMIP) in Section 9.1 TTLV Encoding.
  • The byte representation of a TTLV item consists of a 3 byte tag, a 1 byte type, a 4 byte length followed by zero or more “Value” bytes.
  • Leaf nodes in the tree are TTLV items whose “Type” denotes them to be a primitive value of some kind (e.g. Integer, Boolean, etc) and whose “Value” is a single primitive value in serialized form, followed by any required padding bytes.
  • All other tree nodes are “Structure” TTLV items whose value consists of zero or more TTLV items.

Think of a TTLV “Structure” item as a Rust struct and all other TTLV items as fields within that struct but, unlike Rust data types which have a string name, TTLV items are identified by a numeric “Tag”.

Mapping names to tags

Rust identifies structs and struct fields by name but TTLV identifies items by numeric “Tag”. We must therefore provide a way to map from name to tag and vice versa. As this crate is Serde (Derive) based we can take advantage of the [Serde Derive atribute] #[serde(rename = "...")] to handle this for us:

use serde_derive::Serialize;

#[serde(rename = "0x123456")]
struct MyTtlv { }

println!("{:0X?}", kmip_ttlv::to_vec(&MyTtlv {}));

// prints:
// Ok([12, 34, 56, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])

You can see the TTLV byte format here: a 3 byte “tag”, a 1 byte “type” (type code 1 means a TTLV Structure) and a 4 byte “length”. There is no “value” part in this case because the struct doesn’t have any fields so the value length is zero.

NOTE: If we omit the #[serde(rename = "...")] attribute this code will print an error.

Choosing tag values

When implementing one of the KMIP specifications the tag value to use for each KMIP object is defined by the spec. The KMIP specifications reserve tag value range 0x420000 - 0x42FFFF for official KMIP tags and reserve tag value range 0x540000 - 0x54FFFF for custom extensions. If using TTLV as a serialization format for your own data you are free to choose your own tag values anywhere in the range 0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF.

Supported data types

The following gives a rough indication of the mapping of TTLV types to Rust types by this crate and vice versa:

TTLV data typeSerializes fromDeserializes to
Structure (0x01)SomeStruct { .. }, SomeStruct( .. ), tuple variantSomeStruct { .. }
Integer (0x02)i8, i16, i32i32
Long Integer (0x03)i64i64
Big Integer (0x04)UNSUPPORTEDVec<u8>
Enumeration (0x05)u32See above
Boolean (0x06)boolbool
Text String (0x07)`str``String
Byte String (0x08)&[u8]Vec<u8>
Date Time (0x09)u64i64

Unsupported data types

Not all Rust and TTLV data types are supported by this crate, either because there is no obvious mapping from one to the other or because support for it wasn’t needed yet:

  • The following Rust types CANNOT be serialized to TTLV as TTLV has no concept of unsigned integers, floating point, character or ‘missing’ values : u8, u16, f32, f64, char, (), None (but see below for a special note about None).

  • The following Rust types CANNOT be deserialized from TTLV: (), u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, f32, f64, char, str, map, &[u8], (). char,

  • The following TTLV types CANNOT yet be serialized to TTLV: Big Integer (0x04), Interval (0x0A).

  • The following TTLV types CANNOT yet be deserialized from TTLV: Interval (0x0A).

  • The following Rust types CANNOT be deserialized as this crate is opinionated and prefers to deserialize only into named fields, not nameless groups of values: unit struct, tuple struct, tuple.

Data types treated specially

  • The Rust struct type by default serializes to a TTLV Structure However sometimes it is useful to be able to use a newtype struct as a wrapper around a primitive type so that you can associate a TTLV tag value with it. This can be done by using the Transparent: prefix when renaming the type, e.g. #[serde(rename = "Transparent:0xNNNNNN")].

  • The Rust Some type is handled as if it were only the value inside the Option, the Some wrapper is ignored.

  • The Rust None type cannot be serialized to TTLV. Instead use #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] on the Option field to be serialized so that Serde skips it if it has value None when serializing. When deserializing into an Option if no value with the specified tag is present in the TTLV bytes the Option will be set to None.

  • The Rust Vec type can be used to (de)serialize sequences of TTLV items. To serialize a Vec of bytes to a TTLV Byte String however you should annotate the field with the Serde derive attribute #[serde(with = "serde_bytes")].

  • The Rust enum type is serialized differently depending on the type of the variant being serialized. For unit variants a #[serde(rename = "0xNNNNNNNN")] attribute should be used to cause this crate to serialize the value as a TTLV Enumeration. A tuple or struct variant will be serialized to a TTLV Structure.

  • In order to deserialize into a Rust enum you must guide this crate to the correct variant to deserialize into. To support the KMIP specifications this crate supports choosing the variant based on the value of a TTLV item that was encountered earlier in the deserialization process. To handle this case each candidate enum variant must be specially renamed with Serde derive using one of several supported special matcher syntaxes:

    • #[serde(rename = "if 0xNNNNNN==0xMMMMMMMM")] syntax will cause this crate to look for a previously encountered TTLV Enumeration with tag value 0xNNNNNN and to select this enum variant if that Enumeration had value 0xMMMMMMMM.
    • #[serde(rename = "if 0xNNNNNN in [0xAAAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBBBB, ..]")] is like the previous syntax but can match against more than one possible value.
    • #[serde(rename = "if 0xNNNNNN >= 0xMMMMMMMM")] can be used to select the variant if a previously seen value for the specified tag was at least the given value.
    • #[serde(rename = "if 0xNNNNNN==Textual Content")] syntax will cause this crate to look for a previously encountered TTLV Text String with tag value 0xNNNNNN and to select this enum variant if that Text String had value Textual Content.
    • #[serde(rename = "if type==XXX")] syntax (where XXX is a camel case TTLV type name without spaces such as LongInteger) will cause this crate to select the enum variant if the TTLV type encountered while deserializing has the specified type.
  • TTLV Big Integer values can be deserialized to a Vec<u8> in their raw byte format. Using a crate like num_bigint you can work with these byte sequences as if they were normal Rust integers. For example, To convert from a Vec<u8> obtained from a TTLV Big Integer to a num_bigint::BigInt use the num_bigint::BigInt::from_signed_bytes_be function.


For detailed examples of how to annotate your data types with Serde derive attributes for use with this crate look at the tests in the source repository for this crate.

For much richer examples see the code and tests in the source repository for the kmip-protocol crate.

The examples/ folder contains a simple hex_to_txt tool which can pretty print a human readable tree structure form of the given hexadecimal encoded TTLV bytes. You can run the example with the command:

cargo run --example hex_to_txt </path/to/hex_string_input_file>

The tool will ignore any line breaks, spaces, double quotes and commas that are present in the file. Try it out by copying the quoted hex input and output strings in the tests for this crate to a file and passing that file to the hex_to_txt tool.

Error handling

By default Serde ignores any items present in the TTLV byte stream that do not correspond to a tagged field in the Rust struct being deserialized into. You can disable this behaviour and make the presence of unexpected TTLV items into a deserialization error by using the #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] container level Serde derive attribute. You can also explicitly ignore an unsupported item by using the #[serde(skip_deserializing)] field level attribute.

This crate does not try to be clone free or to support no_std scenarios. Memory is allocated to serialize and deserialize into. In particular when deserializing bytes received from an untrusted source with from_reader() this could cause allocation of a large amount of memory at which point Rust will panic if the allocation fails. When deserializing with from_reader() you are strongly advised to use a Config object that specifies a maximum byte length to deserialize to prevent such abuse.

If serialization or deserialization fails this crate tries to return sufficient contextual information to aid diagnosing where the problem in the data is and why.

For logging or storing of requests and responses for later diagnostic purposes use the PrettyPrinter::to_diag_string() function to render TTLV bytes in a compact textual representation with most values redacted (only enumeration values are included in the generated string).


High-level Serde based deserialization of TTLV bytes to Rust data types.
Information about the (de)serialization failure and the location at which it failed.
High-level Serde based serialization of Rust data types to TTLV bytes.
Dynamic traits for sync or async use depending on the Cargo features used.
Low-level APIs for (de)serializing Rust primitives from/to TTLV bytes.
Useful functionality separate but related to (de)serialization.


Configuration settings used by the deserializer.
Facilities for pretty printing TTLV bytes to text format.


Read and deserialize bytes from the given reader.
Read and deserialize bytes from the given slice.
Serialize and write bytes into a new Vector.
Serialize and write bytes to a Writer.