Crate klickhouse

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Client handle for a Clickhouse connection, has internal reference to connection, and can be freely cloned and sent across threads.
Options set for a Clickhouse connection.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse Date type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse DateTime type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse DateTime64 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse FixedPoint32 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse FixedPoint64 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse FixedPoint128 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse FixedPoint256 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse IPv4 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse IPv6 type.
A row of raw data returned from the database by a query. Or an unstructured runtime-defined row to upload to the server.
A single column row
A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
A Vec wrapper that is encoded as a tuple in SQL as opposed to a Vec
Wrapper type for Clickhouse Int256 type.
Wrapper type for Clickhouse UInt256 type.


A raw Clickhouse type.
TimeZones built at compile time from the tz database
A raw Clickhouse value. Types are not strictly/completely preserved (i.e. types String and FixedString both are value String). Use this if you want dynamically typed queries.


Clickhouse major version
Clickhouse minor version


A type that can be converted from a raw Clickhouse SQL value.
A row that can be deserialized and serialized from a raw Clickhouse SQL value. Generally this is not implemented manually, but using klickhouse_derive::Row. I.e. #[derive(klickhouse::Row)].
A type that can be converted to a raw Clickhouse SQL value.


Type Definitions

Derive Macros