Module kitsune_p2p_dht::arq

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The Quantized DHT Arc type

Arq coordinates are expressed in terms of powers-of-two, representing the “chunk” or “segment” size to work with. The actual extent of the Arq is expressed as a start and an offset, in terms of the chunk size. So, Arq boundaries can only ever fall on a quantized grid which is determined by the power setting.


  • Methods to help with ascii representations of Arqs


  • A quantized DHT arc.
  • A collection of ArqBounds. All bounds are guaranteed to be quantized to the same power (the lowest common power).
  • “Arq Resizing Strategy”. Defines all parameters necessary to run the arq resizing algorithm.
  • Configure settings for arc storage.
  • The Quantized PeerView
  • Statistics about the power levels of all arqs in a view. Used to make inferences about what your neighbors are up to.
  • A summary of what happened while updating an Arq


  • Instructions to clamp all arqs to a certain size, regardless of network conditions. This allows the user to either be the ultimate freeloader, or the ultimate benefactor.
  • A Strategy for generating PeerViews. The enum allows us to add new strategies over time.
  • A “view” of the peers in a neighborhood. The view consists of a few observations about the distribution of peers within a particular arc, used to make inferences about the rest of the (out-of-view) DHT, ultimately enabling the calculation of the target arc size for the agent who has this View.


  • Represents the start point or “left edge” of an Arq.


  • The actual coverage provided by these peers. Assumes that this is the entire view of the DHT, all peers are accounted for here.
  • Given a center and a length, give Arq which matches most closely given the provided strategy
  • Calculate whether a given combination of power and count corresponds to full DHT coverage.
  • Convenience method for taking the power of 2 in u32
  • Convenience method for taking the power of 2 in f64
  • Calculate the unique pairing of power and count implied by a given length and max number of chunks. Gives the nearest value that satisfies the constraints, but may not be exact.
  • Calculate the highest power and lowest count such that the given length is represented exactly. If the length is not representable even at the quantum level (power==0), return None.
  • Print ascii for arq bounds
  • Print a collection of arqs

Type Definitions