
Stores incoming raw samples

Calculations: d = linearized(adc sample) –> distance v = (d - d_prev) / 1 –> velocity a = (v - v_prev) / 2 –> acceleration j = (a - a_prev) / 3 –> jerk

Sense data is store per ADC source element (e.g. per key) The analysis is stored in a queue, where old values expire out min/max is used to handle offsets from the distance lookups Higher order calculations assume a constant unit of time between measurements Any division is left to compile-time comparisions as it’s not necessary to actually compute the final higher order values in order to make a decision. This diagram can give a sense of how the incoming data is used. The number represents the last ADC sample required to calculate the value.

Sense stats include statistically information about the sensor data


Calibration status indicates if a sensor position is ready to send analysis for a particular key.