Expand description


Keynergy is a powerful, efficient, and extensible library for keyboard layout analysis.


Keynergy allows you to:

  • serialize and deserialize layouts, keyboards, metrics, text data, and more using Serde
  • get the frequencies of characters, bigrams, trigrams, and skipgrams in a text
  • declaratively write custom metrics using Ketos
  • prebake almost all analysis data before the layout is even known, making Keynergy extremely efficient


use keynergy::{Keyboard, Layout, Keys, Direction, Pos};

let mut qwerty = Keys::qwerty();
assert_eq!(qwerty.pos_key(Pos::new(0, 0)), Some(&'q'));
assert_eq!(qwerty.pos_key(Pos::new(0, 1)), Some(&'a'));

// Easily swap keys.
qwerty.swap(Pos::new(0,0), Pos::new(0, 1));
assert_eq!(qwerty.pos_key(Pos::new(0,0)), Some(&'a'));

// Provides constants for our 10 human fingers.
use keynergy::fingers::*;

// Get the direction between two fingers.
assert_eq!(Direction::from(LI, LM), Direction::Outward);
assert_eq!(Direction::from(LM, LI), Direction::Inward);
assert_eq!(Direction::from(LI, LI), Direction::None);
assert_eq!(Direction::from(LI, RM), Direction::None);

// Can also be written this way.
assert_eq!(LI.dir_to(LM), Direction::Outward);


pub use analysis::analyzer::Analyzer;
pub use direction::Direction;
pub use finger::Finger;
pub use finger::FingerKind;
pub use finger::Hand;
pub use keyboard::Keyboard;
pub use layout::Formats;
pub use layout::Keys;
pub use layout::Layout;
pub use pos::Pos;
pub use pos::PosGroup;
pub use pos::PosPair;
pub use textdata::TextData;
