Crate key_node_list

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Doubly-linked list that stores key-node pairs.

KeyNodeList is a doubly-linked list, it uses a hash map to maintain correspondence between keys and nodes, and records the previous key and the next key of the current node in the node itself. There is no pointer operations during this process, so key_node_list is all implemented in safe Rust.

You can complete key lookups, key-node pair updates, key-node pair deletions and other operations of KeyNodeList in O(1)~ time. You can also use cursor-based interface to traverse or edit the linked list.


Organizing key-value pairs using KeyValueList

use key_node_list::KeyValueList;

// construct key-value list from tuple array
let mut list = KeyValueList::from([(1, "Reimu"), (2, "Marisa")]);

// or pushing other key-value pairs to the front/back of list
list.push_front(0, "Alice").unwrap();
list.push_back(3, "Patchouli").unwrap();

// query nodes by key
assert_eq!(list[&1].value(), &"Reimu");
assert_eq!(list[&0].value(), &"Alice");

// also you can update nodes by key
*list.node_mut(&3).unwrap().value_mut() = "Youmu";
*list.front_node_mut().unwrap().value_mut() = "Mokou";
assert_eq!(list[&3].value(), &"Youmu");
assert_eq!(list[&0].value(), &"Mokou");
assert_eq!(list.front_node().unwrap().value(), &"Mokou");

// remove some key-node pairs

// all key-node pairs are in order
list.push_back(5, "Yuyuko");
let vec: Vec<_> = list.into_iter().map(|(k, n)| (k, n.into_value())).collect();
assert_eq!(vec, [(1, "Reimu"), (3, "Youmu"), (5, "Yuyuko")]);

Editing list using cursors

use key_node_list::KeyValueList;

let mut first_name = KeyValueList::from([
  (1, "Reimu".to_string()),
  (2, "Marisa".to_string()),

let last_name = KeyValueList::from([(1, "Hakurei"), (2, "Kirisame")]);

// append last names after first names
let mut first_cur = first_name.cursor_front_mut();
let mut last_cur = last_name.cursor_front();
while let Some(node) = first_cur.node_mut() {
  node.value_mut().push(' ');

let vec: Vec<_> = first_name.iter().map(|(k, n)| (k, n.value().as_str())).collect();
assert_eq!(vec, [(&1, "Reimu Hakurei"), (&2, "Marisa Kirisame")]);

Customizing your own nodes

use key_node_list::{Node, impl_node};
use key_node_list::KeyNodeList;

struct NameNode<'a> {
  first: &'a str,
  last: &'a str,
  prev: Option<i32>,
  next: Option<i32>,

impl<'a> From<(&'a str, &'a str)> for NameNode<'a> {
  fn from(name: (&'a str, &'a str)) -> Self {
    let (first, last) = name;
    Self {
      prev: None,
      next: None,

// implements `Node` trait for `NameNode`
impl_node!(NameNode<'a> { Key = i32, prev = prev, next = next });

// create a `KeyNodeList` with node type `NameNode`
let mut names: KeyNodeList<_, NameNode> = KeyNodeList::new();
names.push_back(1, ("Reimu", "Hakurei"));
names.push_back(2, ("Marisa", "Kirisame"));
assert_eq!(names[&1].first, "Reimu");
assert_eq!(names[&2].last, "Kirisame");


Implements Node trait for the specific structure.


A cursor over a KeyNodeList.
A cursor over a KeyNodeList with editing operations.
An owning iterator over the key-node paris of a KeyNodeList.
An owning iterator over the keys of a KeyNodeList.
An owning iterator over the nodes of a KeyNodeList.
An iterator over the key-node pairs of a KeyNodeList.
A doubly-linked list that stores key-node pairs.
An iterator over the keys of a KeyNodeList.
An iterator over the nodes of a KeyNodeList.
A generic node for the KeyNodeList.


An interface to the hash map operations used by KeyNodeList.
Trait for nodes that holds its previous and next key in KeyNodeList.
Token that used to update the keys in the Node.

Type Definitions

A KeyNodeList that uses ValueNode<K, V> as its node type and HashMap as its underlying hash map.