Struct ketree::tree::Tree []

pub struct Tree<T: 'static + Clone + Debug> { /* fields omitted */ }

A Tree that represents a symbolic expression that can be constructed with Ketos.


impl<T: 'static + Clone + Debug> Tree<T>

Constructor to create a Tree vertex with data.

Reduces the complexity of the tree using recursion by evaluating operators with branches that are constants.

This method is limited by the depth of the machine's recursive stack.

Evaluates the tree with the provided map of variables.

'vars' should be any HashMap that maps Variables in the tree to values.

Evaluates the tree using recursion with the provided map of variables.

'vars' should be any HashMap that maps Variables in the tree to values.

This method is limited by the depth of the machine's recursive stack.

Links the provided Vector of Trees as branches to self.

Returns a reference to contained data.

Returns a reference to contained children.

Returns a TreePostIter for the tree.

Trait Implementations

impl<T: Clone + 'static + Clone + Debug> Clone for Tree<T>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T: Debug + 'static + Clone + Debug> Debug for Tree<T>

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl<T: 'static + Clone + Debug> ForeignValue for Tree<T>

Return the value's type name.

Performs ordered comparison between two values of a foreign type. Read more

Performs ordered comparison between two values. Read more

Returns whether the two values are identical. This concept is the same as equality, except in the case of floating point values, where two NaN values are considered identical. Read more

Tests for equality between two values of a foreign type. Read more

Tests for equality between two values. Read more

Format the value in debugging mode. Read more

Format the value in display mode. Read more

Returns whether this value is of the named type. Read more

Calls the value as a function. Read more

Returns an estimate of the memory held by this value. Read more

impl<T: 'static + Clone + Debug> FromValue for Tree<T>

Consumes the Value and returns a Rust value

impl<'value, T: 'static + Clone + Debug> FromValueRef<'value> for &'value Tree<T>

Returns the borrowed value

impl<T: 'static + Clone + Debug> StructValue for Tree<T>

Returns the struct name.

Creates a value from a list of fields. Read more

Returns a list of field names.

Returns a copy of a field as a Ketos Value. Read more

Modifies the value to replace named fields with provided values. Read more