Crate kas_widgets[][src]

Expand description

KAS widget library


  • MessageBox: a simple window with a message and an “Ok” button

Container widgets

  • Frame: a simple frame around a single child
  • ScrollRegion: may be larger on the inside than the outside
  • Stack: a stack of widgets in the same rect (TODO: TabbedStack)
  • List: a dynamic row / column of children
  • Splitter: similar to List but with resizing handles
  • Window is usually the root widget and has special handling for pop-ups and callbacks


Static widgets

  • Filler: an empty widget, sometimes used to fill space
  • Separator: a visible bar to separate things
  • Label: a simple text label



Adapter widgets (wrappers)

View widgets and shared data


A push-button with a generic label

A checkable box with optional label

A bare checkbox (no label)

A pop-up multiple choice menu

Draggable Handle

A text-edit box

A text-edit field (single- or multi-line)

A space filler

A frame around content

A generic grid widget

An image with margins

A text label

A generic row/column widget

A menu-bar

A standard menu entry

A menu entry which can be toggled

A simple message box.

Navigation Frame wrapper

A progress bar

A radiobox with optional label

A bare radiobox (no label)

A scroll bar

A scrollable region with bars

Scrollbar controls

Logic for a scroll region

A text label supporting scrolling and selection

A scrollable region

A separator

A slider

A resizable row/column widget

A stack of widgets

A sub-menu

A push-button with a text label

The main instantiation of the Window trait.


Provides a convenient .boxed() method on implementors

A guard around an EditField

Trait governing menus, sub-menus and menu-entries

Additional functionality on scrollable widgets

Requirements on type used by Slider

Type Definitions

A label supporting an accelerator key

A column of boxed widgets

A column of boxed widgets

A grid of boxed widgets

A row/column of boxed widgets

A row of boxed widgets

A row of boxed widgets

A row/column of boxed widgets

A stack of boxed widgets

A generic column widget

A generic column widget

A column of widget references

A row of widget references

A row/column of widget references

A stack of widget references

A generic row widget

A generic row widget

Label with &'static str as backing type

Label with String as backing type