[][src]Module kas_text::fonts

Font selection and loading

Fonts are managed by the FontLibrary, of which a static singleton exists and can be accessed via fonts.

FontId and the default font

The FontId type is a numeric identifier for loaded fonts. It may be default-constructed to access the default font, with number 0.

To make this work, the user of this library must load the default font before all other fonts and before any operation requiring font metrics:

if let Err(e) = kas_text::fonts::fonts().load_default() {
    panic!("Error loading font: {}", e);
// from now on, kas_text::fonts::FontId::default() identifies the default font

(It is not technically necessary to lead the first font with FontLibrary::load_default; whichever font is loaded first has number 0. If doing this, load_default must not be called at all. It is harmless to attempt to load any font multiple times, whether with load_default or another method.)

Font sizes

Typically, font sizes are specified in "Points". Several other units and measures come into play here. Lets start with those dating back to the early printing press:

  • 1 Point = 1/72 inch (~0.35mm), by the usual DTP standard
  • 1 Em is the width of a capital M (inclusive of margin) in a font
  • The point size of a font refers to the number of points per em in this font

Thus, with a "12 point font", one 'M' occupies 12/72 of an inch on paper.

In digital typography, one must translate to/from pixel sizes. Here we have:

  • DPI (Dots Per Inch) is the number of pixels per inch
  • A scale factor is a measure of the number of pixels relative to a standard DPI, usually 96

We introduce two measures used by this library:

  • DPP (Dots Per Point): dpp = dpi / 72 = scale_factor × (96 / 72)
  • DPEM (Dots Per Em): dpem = point_size × dpp

Warning: on MacOS and Apple systems, a point sometimes refers to a (virtual) pixel, yielding dpp = 1 (or dpp = 2 on Retina screens, or something else entirely on iPhones). On any system, DPI/DPP/scale factor values may be set according to the user's taste rather than physical measurements.

Finally, note that digital font files have an internally defined unit known as the font unit. This is not normally used directly but is used internally (including by the DPU type).



Handle to a loaded font face


Provides access to font data


Font face identifier


Library of loaded fonts


A font face selection tool


The width of a font as an approximate fraction of the normal width


The degree of blackness or stroke thickness of a font



A possible value for the font-family CSS property.


Allows italic or oblique faces to be selected



Access the FontLibrary singleton