Module juice::layers::common::rnn[][src]

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Create a Recursive Layer

Recurrent Neural Network Layer A type of Neural Network that can process data in sequence, with temporal understanding of one element of data flowing into the next. This type of understanding is suitable for tasks such as translating a sentence, mimicking the patterns in a musical piece, or time series forecasting.

Currently this is implemented in CUDA, but not in native or opencl.

CUDA Specific Notes - Using Juice

CUDA currently supports GRU, LSTM, ReLU, and tanh for LSTM operations. All of these can be uni or bi-directional.

All of these perform better when Tensor Core are available, this has some pretty stringent requirements (;

For Standard Algorithm - CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD in Cuda Docs or RnnAlgorithm::Standard in Juice,

  • hidden size, input size, and batch size must be a multiple of 8
  • All user-provided tensors, workspace, and reserve space are aligned to 128 bit boundaries.
  • Math Type CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION (MathType::TensorOPMathAllowConversion) is selected.

CUDA Specific Notes - Developing Juice

The following resources are your best bet for debugging an issue within Juice. Generic Docs API Docs

We’re aiming to support the latest features in CUDNN, and promise no support for outdated versions of CUDA or CUDNN. Current code has been tested with | CUDA | CUDNN | |— |— | | 10.2 | 7.6.5 |

And the following graphics cards | Card | |— | | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 |


Specifies configuration parameters for a RNN Layer. TODO: Update to RnnConfig in CUDA Layer