Crate jsonrpc_client_core

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A crate for generating transport agnostic, auto serializing, strongly typed JSON-RPC 2.0 clients.

This crate mainly provides a macro, jsonrpc_client. The macro generates structs that can be used for calling JSON-RPC 2.0 APIs. The macro lets you list methods on the struct with arguments and a return type. The macro then generates a struct which will automatically serialize the arguments, send the request and deserialize the response into the target type.


The jsonrpc-client-core crate itself and the structs generated by the jsonrpc_client macro are transport agnostic. They can use any type implementing the Transport trait.

The main (and so far only) transport implementation is the Hyper based HTTP implementation in the jsonrpc-client-http crate.


extern crate jsonrpc_client_core;
extern crate jsonrpc_client_http;

use jsonrpc_client_http::HttpTransport;

jsonrpc_client!(pub struct FizzBuzzClient {
    /// Returns the fizz-buzz string for the given number.
    pub fn fizz_buzz(&mut self, number: u64) -> RpcRequest<String>;

fn main() {
    let transport = HttpTransport::new().standalone().unwrap();
    let transport_handle = transport
    let mut client = FizzBuzzClient::new(transport_handle);
    let result1 = client.fizz_buzz(3).call().unwrap();
    let result2 = client.fizz_buzz(4).call().unwrap();
    let result3 = client.fizz_buzz(5).call().unwrap();

    // Should print "fizz 4 buzz" if the server implemented the service correctly
    println!("{} {} {}", result1, result2, result3);



  • Module containing an example client. To show in the docs what a generated struct look like.


  • The main macro of this crate. Generates JSON-RPC 2.0 client structs with automatic serialization and deserialization. Method calls get correct types automatically.


  • The Error type.
  • A lazy RPC call Future. The actual call has not been sent when an instance of this type is returned from a client generated by the macro in this crate. This is a Future that, when executed, performs the RPC call.



  • Additional methods for Result, for easy interaction with this crate.
  • Trait for types acting as a transport layer for the JSON-RPC 2.0 clients generated by the jsonrpc_client macro.


  • Prepares a lazy RpcRequest with a given transport, method and parameters. The call is not sent to the transport until the returned RpcRequest is actually executed, either as a Future or by calling RpcRequest::call().

Type Aliases§

  • Convenient wrapper around std::Result.