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Json_extract crate

This crate contains a macro to reduce boilerplate when using the serde_json::Value variants when trying to get into a nested property.

Given a JSON:

let json_parsed = serde_json::json!({
  "brand": {
    "tesla": {
        "model": {
            "designers": ["Mr Bean","Elon Mosk"]

With the standard way it takes up to 13 lines of code to get the desired value

if let serde_json::Value::Object(brand) = &json_parsed {
    let brand = brand.get("brand").unwrap();
    if let serde_json::Value::Object(tesla) = &brand {
        let tesla = tesla.get("tesla").unwrap();
        if let serde_json::Value::Object(model) = &tesla {
            let model = model.get("model").unwrap();
            if let serde_json::Value::Object(designers) = &model {
                let res = designers.get("designers");
                let designers = serde_json::from_value::<Vec<String>>(res.unwrap().to_owned()).unwrap();

With the macro it takes only 1 line.

let designers = json_extract::json_extract!("brand.tesla.model.designers", &json_parsed, Vec<String>).unwrap();


This macro reduces boilerplate when using serde_json::Value variants when trying to get into a nested property.