Crate json_gettext

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JSON Get Text

This is a library for getting text from JSON usually for internationalization.


#[macro_use] extern crate json_gettext;

let ctx = static_json_gettext_build!(
    "en_US" => "langs/en_US.json",
    "zh_TW" => "langs/zh_TW.json"

assert_eq!("Hello, world!", get_text!(ctx, "hello").unwrap());
assert_eq!("哈囉,世界!", get_text!(ctx, "zh_TW", "hello").unwrap());

Rocket Support

This crate supports the Rocket framework. In order to reload changed json files instead of recompiling the program you have to enable the rocket feature for this crate.

version = "*"
features = ["rocket"]

Then, use the static_json_gettext_build_for_rocket macro instead of the static_json_gettext_build macro to build a JSONGetText(JSONGetTextManager).

#[macro_use] extern crate json_gettext;

#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;

use rocket::State;
use rocket::response::Redirect;

use json_gettext::JSONGetTextManager;

fn index(ctx: &State<JSONGetTextManager>) -> Redirect {
    Redirect::temporary(uri!(hello(lang = ctx.get_default_key())))

fn hello(ctx: &State<JSONGetTextManager>, lang: String) -> String {
    format!("Ron: {}", get_text!(ctx, lang, "hello").unwrap().as_str().unwrap())

fn rocket() -> _ {
            "en_US" => "langs/en_US.json",
            "zh_TW" => "langs/zh_TW.json"
        .mount("/", routes![index, hello])

If you are not using the release profile, JSONGetTextManager can reload the json files automatically if needed.

unic-langid Support

Since string comparison could be slow, the language_region_pair feature, the language feature or the region feature can be enabled to change key’s type to (Language, Option<Region>), Language or Region respectively where Language and Region structs are in the unic-langid crate.

In this case, the key! macro would be useful for generating a Key instance from a literal string.

For example,

version = "*"
features = ["language_region_pair", "rocket"]
extern crate rocket;

extern crate rocket_accept_language;

extern crate json_gettext;

use rocket::State;

use rocket_accept_language::unic_langid::subtags::Language;
use rocket_accept_language::AcceptLanguage;

use json_gettext::{JSONGetTextManager, Key};

const LANGUAGE_EN: Language = language!("en");

fn index(ctx: &State<JSONGetTextManager>, accept_language: &AcceptLanguage) -> String {
    let (language, region) = accept_language.get_first_language_region().unwrap_or((LANGUAGE_EN, None));

    format!("Ron: {}", get_text!(ctx, Key(language, region), "hello").unwrap().as_str().unwrap())

fn rocket() -> _ {
            key!("en") => "langs/en_US.json",
            key!("zh_TW") => "langs/zh_TW.json",
        .mount("/", routes![index])



  • Used for getting single or multiple text from context.
  • Create a literal key.
  • Used for including json files into your executable binary file for building a JSONGetText instance.


  • A wrapper for context and a default key. Keys are usually considered as locales.
  • To build a JSONGetText instance, this struct can help you do that step by step.


Type Aliases