[][src]Macro js_intern_core::js_intern

macro_rules! js_intern {
    ($value:expr) => { ... };

Stores one copy of each distinct JavaScript primitive. For example, js_intern!("string") evaluates to a &JsValue but only does the translation from the utf-8 Rust string to the utf-16 JavaScript string the first time the expression is evaluated. Furthermore, strings are de-duplicated across the program. So, any time js_intern!("string") is used in the program, the same instance of the JavaScript string is used.

Supported types

  • &'static str Eg: js_intern!("str")
  • f64, f32, u8, u16, u32, i8, i16, i32 Eg: js_intern(1.0)
  • bool Eg: js_intern(true)

Warning: This is intended to work for literals only. It may presently work on expressions,

but this is not an intended part of the API and will break in a future release.