Expand description
A Rust wrapper library for joydev devices
Add this to your Cargo.tml
joydev = "^0.3.0"
and this to your crate root:
extern crate joydev;
to get started open a device:
use joydev::Device;
// You should probably check what devices are available
// by reading /dev/input directory or using udev.
if let Ok(device) = Device::open("/dev/input/js0") {
// Get an event and print it.
println!("{:?}", device.get_event());
or run the example:
cargo run --example=device
- Event codes sent by devices
- Safe wrappers for the underling ioctls
- Axis event
- Button event
- Axis correction
- Default device abstraction
- Raw event
- Correction type
- Wrapped event
- Joydev Error type
- Event types
- Trait common to all events
Type Aliases§
- Joydev Result type