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Jotta FS is a thin wrapper around the Jottacloud REST API.

Jottacloud API Discoveries


You need to allocate before uploading:

POST https://api.jottacloud.com/files/v1/allocate

The JSON body must contain an md5 field, which makes streaming complicated.

A successful allocation will return an upload_url that you can POST the data to.

Chunked uploads

Uploads can be easily chunked by POSTing to the previously obtained upload_url with the desired chunk and a Range header specifying where in the complete file this chunk is located.

Jottacloud will return an HTTP 420 error (whatever that is) and an IncompleteUploadOpenApiException, but it does work. Trust me. The next allocation call will have a new resume_pos field.

  • There doesn’t seem to be any minimum for the chunk size. Tested with 1 byte per request.
  • There is no need to allocate between every chunk (upload_url can be reused). (might be false)
  • resume_pos is available at the file metadata endpoint too.


pub use errors::Error;


API client utilities.

Authentication and authorization for Jottacloud itself and whitelabel providers.

Nobody is perfect.

Utilities for the API at api.jottacloud.com/files/v1.

XML and Serde don’t work well together. Pain.

Jottacloud paths.

Ranges of bytes.


A Jottacloud “filesystem”.


User-Agent used in all requests to Jottacloud.