[][src]Trait join_lazy_fmt::Join

pub trait Join: Display {
    fn join<Iterable>(
        iterable: Iterable
    ) -> DisplayableJoin<Self, Iterable::IntoIter>
        Iterable: IntoIterator,
        Iterable::Item: Display
, { ... } }

separator.join(iterable) method on anything Displayable.

Note that the separator goes in first argument position (before the dot), following Python's style.

The difference with stdlib's .join() is that it can take a lazy sequence of Displayables, such as Itertools::join(), while also returning a lazy struct that, when Displayed, shall write each item separated by self.


This code runs with edition 2018
use ::join_lazy_fmt::*;

let sequence = format!("[{}]", ", ".join(0 .. 5));
assert_eq!(sequence, "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]");

// Since `.join()` is lazy, this does not compute an infinite string.
let _ = ", ".join(0 ..);

const N: usize = 6;
let line = format!("+-{}-+", "-+-".join((1 .. N).map(|_| "---")));
// And the following allocates only one `String`:
let matrix = format!(
        (1 .. N).map(|i| lazy_format!(
            "| {row} |",
            row=" | ".join(
                (1 .. N).map(|j| lazy_format!(
assert_eq!(matrix, "\
| a11 | a12 | a13 | a14 | a15 |
| a21 | a22 | a23 | a24 | a25 |
| a31 | a32 | a33 | a34 | a35 |
| a41 | a42 | a43 | a44 | a45 |
| a51 | a52 | a53 | a54 | a55 |

Provided methods

fn join<Iterable>(
    iterable: Iterable
) -> DisplayableJoin<Self, Iterable::IntoIter> where
    Iterable: IntoIterator,
    Iterable::Item: Display

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impl<Separator: Display + ?Sized> Join for Separator[src]

fn join<Iterable>(
    iterable: Iterable
) -> DisplayableJoin<Self, Iterable::IntoIter> where
    Iterable: IntoIterator,
    Iterable::Item: Display

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