[][src]Module jlrs::array

Support for n-dimensional arrays and their dimensions.



An n-dimensional array whose contents have been copied from Julia to Rust. You can create this struct by calling Value::try_unbox. In order to unbox arrays that contain bools or chars, you can unbox them as Array<i8> and Array<u32> respectively. The data has a column-major order and can be indexed with an n-dimensional index; see Dimensions for more information.


Immutably borrowed array data from Julia. The data has a column-major order and can be indexed with an n-dimensional index; see Dimensions for more information.


Mutably borrowed array data from Julia. The data has a column-major order and can be indexed with an n-dimensional index; see Dimensions for more information.



The dimensions of an n-dimensional array, they represent either the shape of an array or an index. Functions that need Dimensions as an input, which is currently limited to just indexing this data, are generic and accept any type that implements Into<Dimensions>.