Struct jlrs::value::Value[][src]

pub struct Value<'frame, 'data>(_, _, _);

A Value is a wrapper around a pointer to some data owned by the Julia garbage collector, it has two lifetimes: 'frame and 'data. The first of these ensures that a Value can only be used while it’s rooted in a GcFrame, the second accounts for data borrowed from Rust. The only way to borrow data from Rust is to create an Julia array that borrows its contents by calling Value::borrow_array, if a Julia function is called with such an array as an argument the result will inherit the second lifetime of the borrowed data to ensure that such a Value can onl be used while the borrow is active.


impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Create new Values

Several methods are available to create new values. The simplest of these is Value::new, which can be used to convert relatively simple data from Rust to Julia. Data that can be converted this way must implement IntoJulia, which is the case for some simple types like primitive number types and strings. This trait is also automatically derived by JlrsReflect.jl for types that are trivially guaranteed to be bits-types: the type must have no type parameters, no unions, and all fields must have bits-types themselves.

Data that isn’t supported by Value::new can still be created from Rust in many cases. New arrays can be created with Value::new_array, if you want to have the array be backed by data from Rust Value::borrow_array and Value::move_array can be used. It’s currently only possible to create new arrays if the element type implements IntoJulia and JuliaType. Methods to create new UnionAlls and Unions are also available.

Finally, it’s possible to instantiate arbitrary concrete types with Value::instantiate, the type parameters of types that have them can be set with Value::apply_type. These methods don’t support creating new arrays.

pub fn new<'scope, V, S, F>(scope: S, value: V) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    V: IntoJulia,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'static, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Create a new Julia value, any type that implements IntoJulia can be converted using this function. The value will be protected from garbage collection inside the frame used to create it. One free slot on the GC stack is required for this function to succeed, returns an error if no slot is available.

pub fn instantiate<'scope, 'value, 'borrow, V, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    ty: DataType<'_>,
    values: V
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'borrow>]>,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'borrow, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Create a new instance of a value with DataType ty, using values to set the fields. This is essentially a more powerful version of Value::new and can instantiate arbitrary concrete DataTypes, at the cost that each of its fields must have already been allocated as a Value. This functions returns an error if the given DataType is not concrete. One free slot on the GC stack is required for this function to succeed, returns an error if no slot is available.

pub fn new_array<'scope, T, D, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    dimensions: D
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    T: IntoJulia + JuliaType,
    D: Into<Dimensions>,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'static, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Allocates a new n-dimensional array in Julia.

Creating an an array with 1, 2 or 3 dimensions requires one slot on the GC stack. If you create an array with more dimensions an extra frame is created with a single slot, temporarily taking 3 additional slots.

This function returns an error if there are not enough slots available.

pub fn borrow_array<'scope, T, D, V, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    data: V,
    dimensions: D
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    T: IntoJulia + JuliaType,
    D: Into<Dimensions>,
    V: AsMut<[T]> + 'data,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Borrows an n-dimensional array from Rust for use in Julia.

Borrowing an array with one dimension requires one slot on the GC stack. If you borrow an array with more dimensions, an extra frame is created with a single slot slot, temporarily taking 3 additional slots.

This function returns an error if there are not enough slots available.

pub fn move_array<'scope, T, D, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    data: Vec<T>,
    dimensions: D
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    T: IntoJulia + JuliaType,
    D: Into<Dimensions>,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'static, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Moves an n-dimensional array from Rust to Julia.

Moving an array with one dimension requires one slot on the GC stack. If you move an array with more dimensions, an extra frame is created with a single slot slot, temporarily taking 3 additional slots.

This function returns an error if there are not enough slots available.

pub fn new_union<'scope, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    types: &mut [Value<'_, 'data>]
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Returns the union of all types in types. For each of these types, Value::is_kind must return true. TNote that the result is not necessarily a Union, for example the union of a single DataType is that type, not a Union with a single variant. One free slot on the GC stack is required for this function to succeed, returns an error if no slot is available.

pub fn new_unionall<'scope, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    tvar: TypeVar<'_>,
    body: Value<'_, 'data>
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Create a new UnionAll. One free slot on the GC stack is required for this function to succeed, returns an error if no slot is available.

pub fn new_named_tuple<'scope, 'value, S, F, N, T, V>(
    scope: S,
    field_names: N,
    values: V
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'frame>,
    N: AsMut<[T]>,
    T: TemporarySymbol,
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'data>]>, 

Create a new named tuple, you can use the named_tuple macro instead of this method.

pub fn new_typevar<'scope, S, F, N>(
    scope: S,
    name: N,
    lower_bound: Option<Value<'_, '_>>,
    upper_bound: Option<Value<'_, '_>>
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    F: Frame<'frame>,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'frame, 'data, F>,
    N: TemporarySymbol

Create a new TypeVar, the optional lower and upper bounds must be subtypes of Type, their default values are Union{} and Any respectively.

pub fn apply_type<'scope, 'fr, 'value, 'borrow, S, F, V>(
    scope: S,
    types: V
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    S: Scope<'scope, 'fr, 'borrow, F>,
    F: Frame<'fr>,
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'borrow>]>, 

Apply the given types to self.

If self is the DataType anytuple_type, calling this function will return a new tuple type with the given types as its field types. If it is the DataType uniontype_type, calling this function is equivalent to calling Value::new_union. If the value is a UnionAll, the given types will be applied and the resulting type is returned.

If the types cannot be applied to self your program will abort.

One free slot on the GC stack is required for this function to succeed, returns an error if no slot is available.

impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Type information

Every non-null value is guaranteed to have a DataType. This contains all of the value’s type information.

pub fn datatype(self) -> Option<DataType<'frame>>[src]

Returns the DataType of this value, or None if the value is a null pointer.

pub fn type_name(self) -> &'frame str[src]

Returns the type name of this value as a string slice.

impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Type checking

In many cases you want to know about certain properties of a value’s type. The most important method you will find here is Value::is, which can be used in combination with anything that implements JuliaTypecheck.

pub fn is_nothing(self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the value is nothing. Note that the Julia C API often returns a null pointer instead of nothing, this method return false if the given value is a null pointer.

pub fn is_null(self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the value is a null pointer.

pub fn is<T: JuliaTypecheck>(self) -> bool[src]

Performs the given type check. For types that represent Julia data, this check comes down to checking if the data has that type and can be cast to it. This works for primitive types, for example:

julia.scope(|_global, frame| {
    let i = Value::new(frame, 2u64)?;

“Special” types in Julia that are defined in C, like Array, Module and DataType, are also supported:

julia.scope(|_global, frame| {
    let arr = Value::new_array::<f64, _, _, _>(&mut *frame, (3, 3))?;

If you derive JuliaStruct for some type, that type will be supported by this method. A full list of supported checks can be found here.

pub fn is_array_of<T: ValidLayout>(self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the value is an array with elements of type T.

pub fn subtype(self, sup: Value<'_, '_>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if self is a subtype of sup.

pub fn is_kind(self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if self is the type of a DataType, UnionAll, Union, or Union{} (the bottom type).

pub fn is_type(self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the value is a type, ie a DataType, UnionAll, Union, or Union{} (the bottom type).

pub fn isa(self, ty: Value<'_, '_>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if self is of type ty.

impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Lifetime management

Values have two lifetimes, 'frame and 'data. The first ensures that a value can only be used while it’s rooted in a frame, the second ensures that values that (might) borrow array data from Rust are also restricted by the lifetime of that borrow. This second restriction can be relaxed with Value::assume_owned.

pub unsafe fn assume_owned(self) -> Value<'frame, 'static>[src]

If you call a function with one or more borrowed arrays as arguments, its result can only be used when all the borrows are active. If this result doesn’t reference any borrowed data this function can be used to relax its second lifetime to 'static.

Safety: The value must not contain a reference any borrowed data.

pub fn reroot<'scope, 'f, S, F>(self, scope: S) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    F: Frame<'f>,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'f, 'data, F>, 

Root the value again in some scope.

impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Casting to Rust

A Value is equivalent to the Any type in Julia. In order to convert it to a more usable type it must be cast. Casting can convert a value to its underlying type. In the case of builtin pointer types like Array and DataType, casting is a pointer-cast. After casting, they can be turned back into a Value by calling the as_value method. For primitive types and structs that derive JuliaStruct, the pointer is dereferenced.

pub fn cast<T: Cast<'frame, 'data>>(
) -> JlrsResult<<T as Cast<'frame, 'data>>::Output>

Cast the contents of this value into a compatible Rust type. Any type which implements Cast can be used as a target, by default this includes primitive types like u8, f32 and bool, and builtin types like Array, JuliaString and Symbol. You can implement this trait for custom types by deriving JuliaStruct.

pub unsafe fn cast_unchecked<T: Cast<'frame, 'data>>(
) -> <T as Cast<'frame, 'data>>::Output

Cast the contents of this value into a compatible Rust type without checking if the layout is valid.


You must guarantee<T>() would have returned true.

impl<'frame, 'data> Value<'frame, 'data>[src]


Values have fields. For example, if the value contains an instance of this struct:

struct Example

it will have two fields, fielda and fieldb. The first field is stored as a Value, the second field is stored inline as a u32. If the second field is converted to a Value with one of the field access methods below, this new value must be rooted. The first field can be accessed without allocating.

If you wish to avoid this allocation when accessing fields, it’s possible to generate bindings for a struct like this with JlrsReflect.jl, which allows them to be converted to a compatible Rust struct with Value::cast.

pub fn field_names(self) -> &'frame [Symbol<'frame>][src]

Returns the field names of this value as a slice of Symbols. These symbols can be used to access their fields with Value::get_field.

pub fn n_fields(self) -> usize[src]

Returns the number of fields the underlying Julia value has. These fields can be accessed with Value::get_nth_field.

pub fn get_nth_field<'scope, 'fr, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    idx: usize
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    S: Scope<'scope, 'fr, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'fr>, 

Returns the field at index idx if it exists. If it does not exist JlrsError::OutOfBounds is returned. This function assumes the field must be protected from garbage collection, so calling this function will take a single slot on the GC stack. If there is no slot available JlrsError::AllocError is returned.

pub unsafe fn get_nth_field_noalloc(
    idx: usize
) -> JlrsResult<Value<'frame, 'data>>

Returns the field at index idx if it exists and no allocation is required to return it. Allocation is not required if the field is a pointer to another value.

If the field does not exist JlrsError::NoSuchField is returned. If allocating is required to return the field, JlrsError::NotAPointerField is returned.

This function is unsafe because the value returned as a result will only be valid as long as the field is not changed.

pub fn get_field<'scope, 'fr, N, S, F>(
    scope: S,
    field_name: N
) -> JlrsResult<S::Value> where
    N: TemporarySymbol,
    S: Scope<'scope, 'fr, 'data, F>,
    F: Frame<'fr>, 

Returns the field with the name field_name if it exists. If it does not exist JlrsError::NoSuchField is returned. This function assumes the field must be protected from garbage collection, so calling this function will take a single slot on the GC stack. If there is no slot available JlrsError::AllocError is returned.

pub unsafe fn get_field_noalloc<N>(
    field_name: N
) -> JlrsResult<Value<'frame, 'data>> where
    N: TemporarySymbol

Returns the field with the name field_name if it exists and no allocation is required to return it. Allocation is not required if the field is a pointer to another value.

If the field does not exist JlrsError::NoSuchField is returned. If allocating is required to return the field, JlrsError::NotAPointerField is returned.

This function is unsafe because the value returned as a result will only be valid as long as the field is not changed.

pub unsafe fn set_nth_field(
    idx: usize,
    value: Value<'_, '_>
) -> JlrsResult<()>

Set the value of the field at idx. Returns an error if this value is immutable or if the type of value is not a subtype of the field type. This is unsafe because the previous value of this field can become unrooted if you’re directly using it from Rust.

impl<'fr, 'da> Value<'fr, 'da>[src]

Call Julia.

Several methods are available to call Julia. Raw commands can be executed with eval_string and eval_cstring, but these can’t take any arguments. In order to call functions that take arguments, you must use one of the call methods which will call that value as a function with some number of arguments, these methods can be found in the Call trait. In order to call functions with keyword arguments you must call Value::with_keywords to provide the keyword arguments as a NamedTuple, and then use one of the methods from the Call trait.

When the async runtime is used, the method Value::call_async is available which calls that function on another thread in Julia.

pub fn with_keywords<'kws>(
    keywords: Value<'kws, 'da>
) -> WithKeywords<'fr, 'kws, 'da>

Provide keywords to this function.

Functions that can take keyword arguments can be called in two major ways, either with or without keyword arguments. The Call trait takes care of the frst case, this one takes care of the second.


  julia.scope(|global, frame| {
      let a_value = Value::new(&mut *frame, 1isize)?;
      let b_value = Value::new(&mut *frame, 10isize)?;
      // `funcwithkw` takes a single positional argument of type `Int`, one keyword
      // argument named `b` of the same type, and returns `a` + `b`.
      let func = Module::main(global)

      let kw = named_tuple!(&mut *frame, "b" => b_value)?;
      let res = func.with_keywords(kw)
          .call1(&mut *frame, a_value)?
      assert_eq!(res, 11);

pub fn eval_string<'frame, F, S>(
    frame: &mut F,
    cmd: S
) -> JlrsResult<JuliaResult<'frame, 'static>> where
    F: Frame<'frame>,
    S: AsRef<str>, 

Execute a Julia command cmd, for example

Value::eval_string(frame, "sqrt(2)").

pub fn eval_cstring<'frame, F, S>(
    frame: &mut F,
    cmd: S
) -> JlrsResult<JuliaResult<'frame, 'static>> where
    F: Frame<'frame>,
    S: AsRef<CStr>, 

Execute a Julia command cmd. This is equivalent to Value::eval_string, but uses a null-terminated string.

pub unsafe fn call0_unprotected<'base>(
    _: Global<'base>
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'static>

Call this value as a function that takes zero arguments and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub unsafe fn call1_unprotected<'base, 'data>(
    _: Global<'base>,
    arg: Value<'_, 'data>
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'data>

Call this value as a function that takes one argument and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub unsafe fn call2_unprotected<'base, 'data>(
    _: Global<'base>,
    arg0: Value<'_, 'data>,
    arg1: Value<'_, 'data>
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'data>

Call this value as a function that takes two arguments and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub unsafe fn call3_unprotected<'base, 'borrow>(
    _: Global<'base>,
    arg0: Value<'_, 'borrow>,
    arg1: Value<'_, 'borrow>,
    arg2: Value<'_, 'borrow>
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'borrow>

Call this value as a function that takes three arguments and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub unsafe fn call_unprotected<'base, 'value, 'data, V, F>(
    _: Global<'base>,
    args: V
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'data> where
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'data>]>, 

Call this value as a function that takes several arguments and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub unsafe fn call_keywords_unprotected<'base, 'value, 'data, V, F>(
    _: Global<'base>,
    args: V
) -> JuliaResult<'base, 'data> where
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'data>]>, 

Call this value as a function that takes keyword arguments, any number of positional arguments and don’t protect the result from garbage collection. This is safe if you won’t use the result or if you can guarantee it’s a global value in Julia, e.g. nothing or a Module.

pub async fn call_async<'frame, 'value, 'data, V>(
    frame: &mut AsyncGcFrame<'frame>,
    args: V
) -> JlrsResult<JuliaResult<'frame, 'data>> where
    V: AsMut<[Value<'value, 'data>]>, 

Call this value as a function that takes several arguments and execute it on another thread in Julia created with Base.@spawn, this takes two slots on the GC stack. Returns the result of this function call if no exception is thrown, the exception if one is, or an error if no space is left on the stack.

This function can only be called with an AsyncGcFrame, while you’re waiting for this function to complete, other tasks are able to progress.

pub fn tracing_call<'frame, F>(
    frame: &mut F
) -> JlrsResult<JuliaResult<'frame, 'da>> where
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Returns an anonymous function that wraps this value in a try-catch block. Calling this anonymous function with some arguments will call the value as a function with those arguments and return its result, or catch the exception, print the stackstrace, and rethrow that exception. This takes one slot on the GC stack.

pub fn attach_stacktrace<'frame, F>(
    frame: &mut F
) -> JlrsResult<JuliaResult<'frame, 'da>> where
    F: Frame<'frame>, 

Returns an anonymous function that wraps this value in a try-catch block. Calling this anonymous function with some arguments will call the value as a function with those arguments and return its result, or catch the exception and throw a new one with two fields, exc and stacktrace, containing the original exception and the stacktrace respectively. This takes one slot on the GC stack.

impl Value<'_, '_>[src]

pub fn object_id(self) -> usize[src]

Returns the object id of this value.

pub fn egal(self, other: Value<'_, '_>) -> bool[src]

Returns true if self and other are equal.

impl Value<'_, '_>[src]

pub unsafe fn add_finalizer(self, f: Value<'_, '_>)[src]

Add a finalizer f to this value. The finalizer must be a Julia function, it will be called when this value is about to be freed by the garbage collector.

pub unsafe fn finalize(self)[src]

Call all finalizers.

impl<'base> Value<'base, 'static>[src]

pub fn bottom_type(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn stackovf_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn memory_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn readonlymemory_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn diverror_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn undefref_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn interrupt_exception(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]


pub fn an_empty_vec_any(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

An empty `Core.Array{Any, 1}.

pub fn an_empty_string(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

An empty immutable String, “”.

pub fn array_uint8_type(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

Core.Array{UInt8, 1}

pub fn array_any_type(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

Core.Array{Any, 1}

pub fn array_symbol_type(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

Core.Array{Symbol, 1}

pub fn array_int32_type(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

Core.Array{Int32, 1}

pub fn emptytuple(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

The empty tuple, ().

pub fn true_v(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

The instance of true.

pub fn false_v(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

The instance of false.

pub fn nothing(_: Global<'base>) -> Self[src]

The instance of Core.Nothing, nothing.

Trait Implementations

impl<'scope, 'frame, 'data, 'inner> AsUnrooted<'scope, 'frame, 'data, 'inner> for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

type Unrooted = UnrootedValue<'scope, 'data, 'inner>

impl<'scope, 'frame, 'data> Call<'scope, 'frame, 'data> for Value<'_, 'data>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> Clone for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> Copy for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> Debug for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

impl<'base> Into<Value<'base, 'static>> for Module<'base>[src]

impl<'base> Into<Value<'base, 'static>> for Symbol<'base>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> Into<Value<'frame, 'data>> for Array<'frame, 'data>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data, T: Copy + ValidLayout> Into<Value<'frame, 'data>> for TypedArray<'frame, 'data, T>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for CodeInstance<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for DataType<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for TypeVar<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for TypeMapEntry<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for TypeMapLevel<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for Union<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for UnionAll<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for WeakRef<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for Expr<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for Method<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for MethodInstance<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for MethodTable<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for SimpleVector<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for JuliaString<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for Task<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame> Into<Value<'frame, 'static>> for TypeName<'frame>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> JuliaType for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

impl<'frame, 'data> ValidLayout for Value<'frame, 'data>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'frame, 'data> RefUnwindSafe for Value<'frame, 'data>

impl<'frame, 'data> !Send for Value<'frame, 'data>

impl<'frame, 'data> !Sync for Value<'frame, 'data>

impl<'frame, 'data> Unpin for Value<'frame, 'data>

impl<'frame, 'data> UnwindSafe for Value<'frame, 'data>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.