Struct iui::menus::MenuItem [] [src]

pub struct MenuItem { /* fields omitted */ }

A MenuItem represents an item that is shown in a Menu. Note that, unlike many controls, the text on MenuItems cannot be changed after creation.


impl MenuItem


Enables the item, allowing it to be selected. This is the default state of a menu item.


Disables the item, preventing it from being selected and providing a visual cue to the user that it cannot be selected.


Returns true if the menu item is checked, and false if it is not checked (or not checkable).


Sets the menu item to either checked or unchecked based on the given value.

Setting the checked value of a non-checkable menu item has no effect.


Sets the function to be executed when the item is clicked/selected.


Trait Implementations

impl Clone for MenuItem


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl !Send for MenuItem

impl !Sync for MenuItem