Crate ism330dhcx

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This is a simple driver for ST’s ism330dhcx sensor.

Quick Start

To declare a sensor is pretty simple:

let sensor = Ism330Dhcx::new(&mut i2c).unwrap()

If you want to use another address for the chip, you can do:

let sensor = Ism330Dhcx::new_with_address(&mut i2c, 0x6au8).unwrap()

Or alter it after the fact


All registers have the bits addressed by their function, for example here se set the BOOT register in the CTRL_3C register to 1

sensor.ctrl3c.set_boot(i2c, true).unwrap();

For bits that operate together, they have their custom type abstracted. For example, to set the accelerometer data rate you have to operate 4 bits. But here you just have to specify your desired data rate and the driver takes care of it.

// Sets the following bits
// ODR_XL3 to 0
// ODR_XL2 to 0
// ODR_XL1 to 1
// ODR_XL0 to 1

    .set_accelerometer_data_rate(i2c, ctrl1xl::Odr_Xl::Hz52)



