Crate is_thirteen[][src]

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“Sometimes it is too difficult to figure out if a variable equals 13 or not. That’s why we need is-thirteen.”

 — Literally no one

This very useful crate is a production-ready* solution for all of your 13-comparison needs.

* I like asterisks.

This is a port of is-thirteen and is tested with all tests from the original library. A RIIR blog about how our servers improved by x10-100 will be posted to Medium shortly.

Syntax map

The syntax of this library is quite different from that of the original library. This table shows how your messy JS code can be cleaned up with the Rust version.

Original versionRust version
is(() => x).returning.thirteen()Returns(\|\| x).thirteen()
is(x).not.thirteen()!x.thirteen() // How lazy do you have to be if you need a library to negate a Boolean?
is(x).square.of.thirteen()(x * x).thirteen()
is(x).within(1).of.thirteen()Within::new(x, 1.0).thirteen()
is(x).yearOfBirth()(chrono::Utc::today().year() - x).thirteen()
is(x).plus(2).thirteen()(x + 2).thirteen()
is(x).minus(2).thirteen()(x - 2).thirteen()
is(x).times(2).thirteen()(x * 2).thirteen()
is(x).dividedby(2).thirteen()(x / 2).thirteen()
is(x).base(16).thirteen()i64::from_str_radix(x, 16).thirteen()


Contains all thirteen strings.


AnagramOf is thirteen if it is an anagram of “thirteen.”

AtomicNumber is thirteen if the string equals "aluminum".

Backwards is thirteen if its lowercase version equals "neetriht" (reverse spelling of “thirteen”). This is different from the original JS version as the original is case-sensitive.

CanSpell is thirteen if its set of characters is a superset of those in “thirteen.”

DivisibleBy is thirteen if it is a divisor of 13.

GreaterThan returns true if it is greater than 13.

LessThan returns true if it is greater than 13.

Returns calls its closure and compares the returned value to thirteen.

Roughly is thirteen if it is in [12.5, 13.5).

Within has a custom tolerance for equalling thirteen.


A type that can be compared to thirteen. This trait is implemented for all primitive types and &str.