Crate ip2c

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A lib to get the location info from IP address.

You can directly use rir::IpCodeMap build IP to Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions.

use ip2c::rir::IpCodeMap;

let mut map = IpCodeMap::new();
map.load_from_dir("./data").expect("load rir txt info failed");
let code = map.query("".parse().unwrap());
println!("{}", code.unwrap());

Also, you can use IpTree to build IP city location map, eg.

use ip2c::IpTree;

let mut map = IpTree::new();
map.ipv4.insert("".parse().unwrap(), ("sichuan", "chengdu")).unwrap();
map.ipv4.insert("".parse().unwrap(), ("beijing", "beijing")).unwrap();
map.ipv4.insert("".parse().unwrap(), ("beijing", "beijing")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(map.ipv4.query("".parse().unwrap()), Some(&("sichuan", "chengdu")));
assert_eq!(map.ipv4.query("".parse().unwrap()), Some(&("beijing", "beijing")));
assert_eq!(map.ipv4.query("".parse().unwrap()), None);




Type Definitions