Macro interoptopus::callback

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macro_rules! callback {
    ($name:ident($($param:ident: $ty:ty),*)) => { ... };
    ($name:ident($($param:ident: $ty:ty),*) -> $rval:ty $(, namespace = $ns:expr)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Defines a callback type, akin to a fn f(T) -> R wrapped in an Option.

A named delegate will be emitted in languages supporting them, otherwise a regular function pointer. For details, please see the callbacks module.


This defines a type MyCallback with a parameter slice returning an u8.

use interoptopus::callback;
use interoptopus::patterns::slice::FFISlice;

callback!(MyCallback(slice: FFISlice<u8>) -> u8);

The generated type definition similar to:

pub struct MyCallback(Option<extern "C" fn(FFISlice<u8>) -> u8>);

You can also create the callback from Rust for testing:

use interoptopus::callback;

callback!(MyCallback() -> u8);

extern "C" fn my_rust_callback() -> u8 {

let callback = MyCallback::new(my_rust_callback);