Derive Macro ink::Event

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derives an implementation of the [ink::Event] trait for the given struct.

Note [ink::Event] requires [scale::Encode] implementation.

Usually this is used in conjunction with the [EventMetadata] derive.

For convenience there is the [event] attribute macro that will expand to all the necessary derives for an event implementation, including this one.


use ink::{
use scale::Encode;

#[derive(Event, Encode)]
struct MyEvent {
    a: u32,
    b: [u8; 32],

#[derive(Event, Encode)]
#[ink(anonymous)] // anonymous events do not have a signature topic
struct MyAnonEvent {
    a: u32,
    b: [u8; 32],

ink_env::emit_event::<DefaultEnvironment, _>(MyEvent { a: 42, b: [0x42; 32] });
ink_env::emit_event::<DefaultEnvironment, _>(MyAnonEvent { a: 42, b: [0x42; 32] });

§The Signature Topic

By default, the [ink::Event::SIGNATURE_TOPIC] is calculated as follows:


The hashing of the topic is done at codegen time in the derive macro, and as such only has access to the names of the field types as they appear in the code. As such, if the name of a field of a struct changes, the signature topic will change too, even if the concrete type itself has not changed. This can happen with type aliases, generics, or a change in the use of a path::to::Type qualification.

Practically this means that two otherwise identical event definitions will have different signature topics if the name of a field type differs. For example, the following two events will have different signature topics:

#[derive(ink::Event, scale::Encode)]
pub struct MyEvent {
    a: u32,

mod other_event {
    type MyU32 = u32;

    #[derive(ink::Event, scale::Encode)]
    pub struct MyEvent {
        a: MyU32,

assert_ne!(<MyEvent as ink::env::Event>::SIGNATURE_TOPIC, <other_event::MyEvent as ink::env::Event>::SIGNATURE_TOPIC);

§Custom Signature

Sometimes it is useful to specify the custom signature topic. For example, when the event definition from the other contract is not accessible.

The macro provides #[ink(signature_topic = _)] nested macro that allows to provide 32 byte hex string of the custom signature topic.

Generates custom signature topic

#[derive(ink::Event, scale::Encode)]
#[ink(signature_topic = "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111")]
pub struct MyCustomSignatureEvent {
    pub field: u32,
    pub topic: [u8; 32],

assert_eq!(Some([17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17]),
    <MyCustomSignatureEvent as ink::env::Event>::SIGNATURE_TOPIC)

§Anonymous Events

If the event is annotated with #[ink(anonymous)] then no signature topic is generated. #[ink(signature_topic = _)] should not be used.