[][src]Function indyrs::did::replace_keys_start

pub fn replace_keys_start(
    wallet_handle: IndyHandle,
    tgt_did: &str,
    identity_json: &str
) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = String, Error = ErrorCode>>

Generated temporary keys (signing and encryption keys) for an existing DID (owned by the caller of the library).


  • wallet_handle - wallet handler (created by Wallet::open).
  • tgt_did - DID to replace keys.
  • identity_json - Identity information as json.


  • identity_json- { "seed": string, (optional) Seed that allows deterministic key creation (if not set random one will be created). Can be UTF-8, base64 or hex string. "crypto_type": string, (optional; if not set then ed25519 curve is used; currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field) }


  • verkey - The DIDs verification key